Managing Data Segments

Data segments are used to separate access permissions for users or groups of users to specific cube data slices on process startup.

NOTE. Data segment management is available only for the Data Entry and Approval steps in the web application.

To manage data segments, click the Edit button located to the right of the Data Segment parameter on the side panel with step settings. The Segment Settings dialog box opens:

The left part of the dialog box contains the list of existing cube data segments used as a data sources of the selected data entry form for the Data Entry Form parameter on the side panel. The right part of the dialog box contains settings of interaction between the process and the selected data segment.

Adding a Segment

To add a segment, click the Add Segment button. After this the cube data segment wizard. The wizard can also be opened in the object navigator using the Segments item in the standard cube's context menu. For details about working with data segments, see the Cube Segments section.

To display the added segment and refresh the list of existing segments, click the Refresh button.

Linking Segment to Step

To link the selected segment to step, select the Link to Task checkbox. The icon indicating the link of the segment with the step is displayed. One can link several segments to a step. When starting a process, one separates access permissions for users or groups of users in the data entry form by data segments linked to the task.

If one or several data segments are selected for the Data Segments parameter on the side panel, the Link to Task checkbox will be selected for these segments, and vice versa, if the checkbox state is changed for segments in the Segment Settings dialog box, segment selection for the Data Segments parameter will be changed on the side panel.

Determining Segment Management Method

Available segment management methods:

To determine a management method for the segment linked to the step, execute one of the operations:

NOTE. When the Dynamic switch is toggled to the active state, one can set up segment dimension links.

Setting Up Segment Dimension Links and Process Parameters

To set up segment dimension links and process parameters, execute the following operations in the Segment Settings dialog box:

  1. Link segment to step.

  2. Toggle the Dynamic switch into an active state.

  3. Link segment dimensions and process parameters. To do this, execute one of the operations for each static field, which displays segment dimension name:

If the parameter is not selected, the From Segment default value is set. In this case, when a process is started, segment dimension element selection corresponds to the selection set in the cube data segment wizard.

If segment dimension value is not selected, the segment dimension does not contain selection. In this case the data segment will unavailable on process start.

NOTE. To set up a link between segment dimensions and process parameters, one can use only the dimensions included in the segment.

When executing a step, the data entry form highlights the data corresponding to active segments and dimension element selections, which are set for them in the wizard and also to configured segment dimension links.

One can change a segment according to configured links on server execution, if the scheduler is started by one of the following users:

See also:

Role Model Settings | Creating the Data Entry Step | Creating the Approval Step