Creating an Update

To create an update, log in to the repository using one of the following accounts:

On working with application systems using Foresight Analytics Platform several repositories, which are development, testing, exploitation are used to divide development processes. When a project is developed, application system objects are often changed, and the system composition is frequently modified (objects are added or deleted).

Using the update the cloned repository can be changed. A cloned repository is created using a saved copy. A cloned repository is created using options of an appropriate DBMS.

Example of update process in two stages:

  1. Creating an update in the developer repository.

  2. Executing the update in the cloned repository for testing.

NOTE. If the updated application system is actively used in the customer repository, it is recommended to allocate time to stop the system for update or execute update when there is the least number of user requests to the system. On updating web application based systems it is recommended firstly to stop the application site.

An update for repository objects is a *.pefx file (Platform Export File Extended) that contains various information on changes made in application system objects.

Each repository object has unique numeric code that identifies the object. These codes are stored in system tables, which also contain full information on objects and their relationships. Cloned repositories and initial repository have the same unique codes for the same objects. If a repository is not cloned, the internal codes of update objects and repository objects may not coincide during the update, but overlap during the additional process which will lead to conflicts.

It is also necessary during the update to take into account object version check if version control of objects on update is set.

NOTE. Please remember that updating object versions is recommended to be executed only for cloned repositories.

The main reasons not to update different repositories are:

An exception might be the case when objects need to be moved to an empty repository.

Creating an Update

To create an update, follow the steps:

  1. Create or add folders to organize update structure:

NOTE. Creating and adding folders from the update manager is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Add repository objects:

  1. Analyze modifications of repository objects and add them to the update if required:

NOTE. The analysis of repository object modifications is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Add an SQL command:

  1. Add an object deletion:

NOTE. Adding an object deletion is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Add a comment to update:

NOTE. Adding a comment to update is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Add a security subject:

  1. Add special objects:

NOTE. Adding special objects is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Add access permissions:

NOTE. Adding access permissions is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Set up update options of selected objects and update process:

  1. Use object filtering for ease of work with update structure:

NOTE. The use of object filtering is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Set order of objects and set up their view if required:

NOTE. The web application allows only for reordering objects.

  1. Delete object from update if required:

  1. Set update flags if required:

NOTE. The use of update flags is available only in the desktop application.

  1. Perform checksums for further check of metadata integrity if required:

  1. Save update:

See also:

Getting Started with Update Manager | Working with Ready Update | Questions and Answers