Executing Operations with Elements

The following operations are available on working with dictionary elements:

Selecting Elements

To select one element, click its name.

For spot selection, hold down the CTRL key and click all elements to be selected one after another.

To select a range of elements, hold down the SHIFT key and click the first and the last element in the range. Elements will be selected with all descendants.

NOTE. Selecting a range of elements is available only in the desktop application.

One can also set element selection in the desktop application:

Select all

Select level

Select descendants

Moving MDM Dictionary Elements

MDM dictionary element structure is used to create a number of objects. When an element is moved, changes are automatically saved.

Move element up and down

Move element between levels

When moving elements consider the following:

Elements can also be moved using the clipboard. For details see the Working with MDM Dictionary Elements via Clipboard article.

Refreshing Elements

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

To refresh the list of dictionary elements opened for view:

If a dictionary is parametric, the Determine Parameter Values dialog box opens. The previously entered values are displayed in the edit boxes.

When working with elements of the MDM dictionary opened for edit, the refresh operations are available:

NOTE. Automatic refresh is available only for parametric MDM dictionaries.

Managing Displaying of Hidden MDM Dictionary Elements

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

To manage displaying of hidden MDM dictionary elements opened for edit, use the Show Hidden Elements checkbox in the View main menu.

Transferring MDM Dictionary Elements between Repositories

NOTE. It is available only in the desktop application.

MDM dictionary elements opened for edit can be added to update to transfer between repositories.

Add MDM dictionary element to update

Delete MDM dictionary element from update

See also:

Working with Dictionary