Adding Parameters

Parameters enable the user to dynamically modify dictionary contents. Dictionaries with specified parameters are named parametric ones.

Setting dictionary parameters is different in the web application and in the desktop application.

To create and set up MDM dictionary parameters go to the Parameters page of the dictionary creation wizard.

NOTE. To create the Actuality Date parameter, select the Elements Can Change in Time checkbox on the Basic Settings page.

After parameters are added, each time a dictionary opens for view, the Determine Parameter Values dialog box opens, in which one can set values of created parameters. The created parameters will also be displayed as edit boxes on the working area of the dictionary opened for view.

To create and set up MDM dictionary parameters use the Parameters tab on the Description tab in the MDM dictionary window opened for edit.

NOTE. To create the Actuality Date parameter, select the Elements Can Change in Time checkbox.

Parameters created on this tab are displayed on the tab with dictionary elements as edit boxes.

Operations with Dictionary Parameters

Add a parameter

Edit parameter properties

Delete parameter

Change the number of displayed properties in the web application

See also:

MDM Dictionary