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Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations

Ms Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
The CorrectStubPeriod enumeration is used to determine action parameters on calculating a modeling problem if its periods are out of data source periods.
The DmExplanatoryType enumeration is used to determine factor type,  impacting attribute being analyzed.
The DmFieldType enumeration is used to determine a field data type.
The DmForecastingMethod enumeration is used to determine a forecasting method.
The DmReportType enumeration is used to determine a report type with results of data mining.
The MsAdvancedFilterConditionOperator enumeration is used to determine a comparison operator for filtering condition.
The MsAgregationMethodType enumeration contains aggregation calculation methods.
The MsArrangeMode enumeration is used to determine a mode of autobuilding a metamodel calculation chain.
The MsAttributeVariabeType enumeration is used to determine an attribute type.
The MsAutoPeriodOptions enumeration contains the conditions that set a calculation period.
The MsBinaryRegressionOutputType enumeration is used to determine a type of values loaded to output and forecasting series for binary regression model.
The MsBoundFixType enumeration is used to determine a constraint limit fixation mode.
The MsBPFOutputType enumeration contains components that are loaded after applying the Baxter-King filter.
The MsBranchConditionComparisonOperator enumeration contains comparison operators in the condition of the condition branch that is included into the metamodel calculation chain.
The MsBranchConditionType enumeration is used to determine a condition type of the condition branch execution in the metamodel calculation chain.
The MsBreakpointKind enumeration contains breakpoint types.
The MsCalculationChainEntryType enumeration is used to determine a type of the object included in the metamodel calculation chain.
The MsCalculationDirection enumeration contains directions of pointwise calculation mode.
The MsCalculationHistorySet enumeration is used to determine parameters of modeling problem calculation logging.

The MsCalculationLogRecordType enumeration contains record types in the problem calculation log.

The MsCalculationOptions enumeration is used to determine model calculation options.
The MsCalculationPeriod enumeration is used to determine a formula actual period.
The MsCalculationStatsLevel enumeration is used to determine drill down of modeling problem calculation statistics.
The MsCalculationStatType enumeration is used to determine a type of calculation statistic.
The MsCalculationTreeNodeKind enumeration contains element types in the modeling problem calculation tree.
The MsCalculationType enumeration is used to determine a calculation mode.
The MsCalendarMode enumeration is used to determine a calendar element calculation mode in a table visualizer.
The MsCasewise enumeration is used to determine a missing data treatment method.
The MsCensus2OutputType enumeration is used to determine a component loaded to the output variable after calculating the Census1 method.
The MsCensus2OutputType enumeration is used to determine a component loaded to the output variable after calculating the X11 method.
The MsCointegrationEquationOperandType enumeration contains cointegration relation groups that include the exogenous variable.
The MsCollapseType enumeration contains aggregation methods applied to the output variable in the Collapse model.
The MsCumulativeMethodType enumeration is used to determine a cumulative method.
The MsDateAutoPeriodOptions enumeration is used to determine the condition, by which period start and end dates are calculated.
The MsDiagnosticTestType enumeration is used to determine a diagnostic test type.
The MsDisplayAttribute enumeration contains parameters of displaying modeling container objects.
The MsDisplayParent enumeration is used to determine a parent element display mode in the string view of expression element.
The MsEquationIdentifiableState enumeration contains equation identifiability criteria.
The MsFillBoundType enumeration is used to determine the final date of data loading.
The MsFillMethod enumeration is used to determine a missing data substitution method.
The MsFormulaKind enumeration is used to determine the method that is used to calculate a model.
The MsFormulaTermType enumeration contains term types.
The MsFormulaTransformVariableKind enumeration contains variable kinds.
The MsFrequency enumeration is used to determine a calendar frequency of calculations.
The MsHolidayAdjustment enumeration contains holiday adjustment types.
The MsIIBproblemType enumeration contains solvable problem types of input-output balance.
The MsInterpolateType enumeration is used to determine the interpolation method applied to the output variable in the Interpolation model.
The MsInversion enumeration contains initial transformation methods applied to variables.
The MsInversionLag enumeration contains periods, during which the initial transformation of the variable is executed.
The MsLevelFormat enumeration is used to determine the view mode of calendar frequency.
The MsLvlMethod enumeration contains transformations used by the Level function.
The MsMetaAttributeValueType enumeration is used to determine a method for setting attribute value, on which the variable is based.
The MsMethodModifyType enumeration contains types of creating an output series.
The MsMethodPeriodAlignment enumeration contains variants of the method calculation relative to the period.
The MsMethodSeriesType enumeration contains data series used by the method for calculation.
The MsMethodType enumeration contains types of the method used for calculation.
The MsModelFormat enumeration is used to determine an object format.
The MsModelKind enumeration contains model types.
The MsOutputCensus1SeriesType enumeration contains types of the output series that should be ontained on calculation by the Census1 method.
The MsOutputSeriesType enumeration contains components obtained after seasonal decomposition and data adjustment by the X11 method.
The MsPatternType enumeration contains types of templates used for interpolation.
The MsProblemCalculationOptions enumeration is used to determine additional parameters of modeling problem calculation.
The MsProblemCalculationStage enumeration is used to determine a modeling problem calculation stage.
The MsProblemRemoteCalc enumeration is used to determine modeling problem calculation mode.
The MsSpliceDirection enumeration contains series splice directions.
The MsSpliceType enumeration contains series splice methods.
The MsStringGeneratorOptions enumeration contains additional settings that are used to generate model names.
The MsTermTextFormat enumeration is used to determine a format of term name view.
The MsTermTransformationType enumeration contains term transformation methods.
The MsTruncateMode enumeration contains truncate modes.
The MsValueAtRiskDistributionType enumeration contains types of distribution for the financial instrument.
The MsValueAtRiskMethodType enumeration contains Value-At-Risk model calculation types.
The MsValueAtRiskTrafficLight enumeration contains traffic lights zones.
The MsVariableDataFillType enumeration contains available types of filling the modeling variable with data.
The MsVariableKind enumeration contains variable types that must be obtained.
The MsVariableTestType enumeration is used to determine a type of descriptive statistic.
The MsVariableType enumeration contains additional parameters of modeling variable.
The MsWorkbookType enumeration is used to determine a data type in a workbook.
The ValidationComparisonOperator enumeration is used to determine a value comparison operator.
The ValidationCrossDatabaseMappingType enumeration contains dimension binding types of mapped data sources.
The ValidationDateOptions enumeration contains date calculation methods for validation.
The ValidationMissingDataSeriesMode enumeration is used to determine a loading mode for exceptions found by the Missing Data validation rule.
The ValidationDetailsKind enumeration determines a validation filter type.
The ValidationFilterDataOptions enumeration is used to determine a method of date registration on calculating validation.
The ValidationMissingDataType enumeration is used to determine a type of missing data.
The ValidationRevisionComparisonType enumeration contains types of value modification between revisions.
The ValidationRevisionMetadataComparisonType enumeration contains metadata comparison types.
The ValidationStatisticalOutliersType enumeration is used to determine an area of statistical outlier detection.
The ValidationUserComponentKind enumeration contains kinds of user validation component.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces | Ms Assembly Classes | Examples