Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > ValidationComparisonOperator
The ValidationComparisonOperator enumeration is used to determine a value comparison operator.
It is used by the following property:
Value | Brief description |
0 | More. Greater. |
1 | Less. Less. |
2 | Between. All the values within the range. |
3 | Notbetween. All the values that are out of the range. |
4 | MoreOrEqual. Greater or equal. |
5 | LessOrEqual. Less or equal. |
6 | Equal. Equal. |
7 | NotEqual. Not equal. |
For the Between and Notbetween values start of value range is determined by the IValidationComparisonValue.Value1 property and the end - by the IValidationComparisonValue.Value2 property.
The Between values takes into account limit values of the range, that is, Between returns True, if checked value is greater or equal to IValidationComparisonValue.Value1 and less or equal to IValidationComparisonValue.Value2.
The Notbetween value does not take into account border values of the range, that is, Notbetween returns True, if checked value is strictly less than IValidationComparisonValue.Value1 or strictly greater than IValidationComparisonValue.Value2.
For all the rest values of the ValidationComparisonOperator enumeration, compared number is determined only by the IValidationComparisonValue.Value1 property.
See also: