Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > DmReportType
The DmReportType enumeration is used to determine a report type with results of data mining.
It is used by the following method:
Value | Brief description |
0 | TemplateFill. Pattern substitution. |
1 | LogisticRegression. Logistic regression. |
2 | DecisionTree. Decision tree. |
3 | ROC. ROC curve. |
4 | CrossValidation. Cross-validation. |
5 | KmodesClusterAnalysis. K-modes clustering. |
6 | SelfOrganizingMap. Clustering by the Kohonen self-organizing maps. |
7 | AssociationRules. Association analysis. |
8 | HighlightExceptions. Exception search. |
9 | ExceptionsBySigns. Exceptions by signs. |
10 | Forecasting. Forecasting. |
11 | KeyInfluences. Key factors. |
12 | Warnings. Warnings. |
13 | Forest. The name matches the name of selected algorithm: Random Forest or Gradient Boosting. |
14 | ClassificationStats. Prediction quality. Sheet with statistics. |
See also: