Ms > Ms Assembly Enumerations > ValidationFilterDataOptions
The ValidationFilterDataOptions enumeration is used to determine a method of date registration on calculating validation.
It is used by the following property:
Value | Brief Description |
0 | None. Validation dates are not taken into account. |
1 | PeriodByValidation. Validation dates are taken into account only for calculation period. |
2 | OutputPeriodByValidation. Validation dates are taken into account only for period of unloading data. |
3 | AllPeriodByValidation. Validation dates are taken into account for periods of calculation and unloading data. |
Use the IValidationFilter.StartDateSettings and IValidationFilter.EndDateSettings properties to determine dates of validation calculation.
If periods of calculation and unloading are set as AllbyOwner, on calculating validation:
In time series databases. Time series database dates are used.
In express report. The dates set by the IEaxDataAreaSlice.ExtendedPeriodStart and IEaxDataAreaSlice.ExtendedPeriodEnd properties are used. If these properties are not set, the dates obtained from selection of express report dimensions are used.
In workbook. The dates set by the ILanerContext.DataLoadStartDate and ILanerContext.DataLoadEndDate properties are used.
See also: