Viewing Formula Description

When a cell is selected, which value is calculated using the configured algorithm executed on change, the formula string displays the calculated formula. If the cell value is obtained after calculation of several algorithms with several calculation blocks or aggregation blocks, the formula string displays information about the last calculated algorithm and the last block. If the formula contains the operand displayed in data entry form table areas, it is displayed as address of the cell, to whch the formula refers. If the formula contains the operand that is not displayed in data entry form table areas, it is displayed as a value. Operands are used in the form only if they are located on loaded data entry form sheets.

To view details about the calculation formula, use the Formula Description dialog box:

Open the dialog box

The dialog box contains the following information:

If the value is selected in the Formula area, the following is automatically selected: the string with details about this element in the Detailed Information about Formula Elements area and the value in the Value area. If the string with details is selected in the Detailed Information About Formula Elements area, the appropriate value is automatically selected in the Formula area. If the value is selected in the value area, the following is automatically selected: the appropriate value in the Formula area and the string with detailed information about this element in the Detailed Information about Formula Elements area.

To finish viewing formula description, click the Close button or press .

After finishing to view details about the values obtained after executing the specified calculation practice, go to the step if it is required to:

See also:

Working with Ready Data Entry Form