If it is required to save a form in another format, use form export. Custom settings of data entry form table area are saved on export.
To export data entry form:
Select the Data Entry/Output Form > Export main menu item by selecting one of the available formats: XLSX, XLS, PDF, RTF.
After executing the operation the Options of Export to <format> dialog box opens:
NOTE. Export options depend on the selected format.
Set export options if the XLSX or XLS format is selected:
Hidden Rows and Columns. The checkbox is selected by default. When the checkbox is selected, hidden rows and columns of data entry form table area are exported. Hidden rows and columns can be used to work with in Microsoft Excel.
Hidden Sheets. The checkbox is deselected by default. When the checkbox is selected, all hidden sheets of data entry form are exported, if the Entire Report radio box is selected. If the Selected Sheets radio button is selected, hidden sheets can be selected in the data entry form sheets list.
IMPORTANT. Hiding data entry form sheets is available only in the development environment using the IPrxSheet.Visible property.
Color Palette. The checkbox is deselected by default. When the checkbox is selected, table area formatting of data entry form with original color palette is exported. If the checkbox is deselected, the color palette to be exported is replaced with the Microsoft Excel palette with more appropriate colors.
NOTE. The parameter is available only for export to XLS file. When exporting to XLS file, the original table area color palette is exported automatically.
Expanders. The checkbox is deselected by default. When the checkbox is selected, displayed expanders are exported with data entry form table area in the current view. If expanders are collapsed, all nesting elements of table area with collapsed and expanded expanders are exported. Expanders can be used to work in Microsoft Excel.
NOTE. The parameter is available only for export to XLSX file.
Sheets and Cells Protection. The checkbox is deselected by default. When the checkbox is selected, sheets and cells protection is exported with data entry form table area. When opening the exported file the system requests the specified password to open the protected sheet. If the sheet contains protected cells, they are locked for editing in Microsoft Excel.
IMPORTANT. Sheets protection in a data entry form is available only in the development environment using the ITabView.Protection property.
Formulas. The checkbox is selected by default. When the checkbox is selected, the formulas that are set for calculation of cell values in data entry form table area are exported. When the checkbox is deselected, only the values obtained after calculation are exported.
Select the data entry form area to be exported using the radio buttons:
Entire Report. When the radio button is selected, the entire data entry form is exported.
Selected Sheets. When the radio button is selected, select checkboxes of the data entry form sheets to be exported.
Click the OK button. After executing the operation the standard file save dialog box opens.
Specify file name and location.
After export, the dialog box, proposing to open the output file, opens.
When the data entry form export is finished, if required, go to the next step:
If cell values were calculated using calculation algorithms, formulas are exported on export to XLSX, XLS. Constraints of formulas export:
If a formula is not support in Excel, it is exported as a static value.
If a formula contains a reference to cell from other sheet, which was not exported, the formula is exported as a static value.
If cell editor settings are set for cell with formula, only formula without specified settings will be exported.
Features of exporting data entry form with expanders in table area:
If the table area heading or sidehead contains more than one hierarchical dimension, expanders are exported only for the first dimension located in the first column or row of table area. If expanders for the first dimension are hidden, displayed expanders of the next dimension are exported.
If the table area heading or sidehead contains several merged dimensions, only expanders for the first column or row are exported taking into account the merge. If the first dimension contains several levels located by several columns or rows, only expanders of the zero level are exported.
If a data entry form is exported without taking into account hidden rows and columns, the collapsed expanders nd their child elements are not exported.
If a data entry form contains several table areas with expanders, expanders on all table areas in the sidehead and heading are exported. If table areas are located vertically, expanders in the heading are exported only for upper table areas. If table areas are located horizontally, expanders in the sidehead are exported only for leftmost table areas.
See also:
Building Data Entry Form | Working with Ready Data Entry Form