Getting Started with the Business Process Management Extension

To get started with the extension, create a new or open the existing ready process.

Create a new process

Open ready process

NOTE. Only ready process can be opened in the web application for view.

To build a new process, see the Building Process article.

To work with the ready process, see the Process Execution Monitoring article.

The main windows of the Business Process Management extension:

Set Up Business Process

Process monitoring

Process window elements:

NOTE. The list of main menu items in the Set Up Business Process dialog box differs from the list of items in the Process Monitoring in the desktop and web applications.

On clicking the Legend button, the working area displays legend panel of symbols in use, color indications of process steps execution statuses, types of links between groups of steps and condition statuses. By default the button is released and the panel is not displayed.

NOTE. The quick access toolbar is displayed only in the desktop application. The process can be saved only in the Set Up Business Process dialog box.

NOTE. In the web application, the Process tab is displayed as Processes: Action.

NOTE. The Debug tab is available only in the Set Up Business Process window in the desktop application.

The process tree uses characters and color indication to display type and status of process instance stage or step execution.Process tree layout can be set up: show or hide process start parameters, subprocesses steps and executed subprocesses steps.

NOTE. The start parameters are displayed only in the Process Monitoring window. If start parameters are not selected or deactivated, then one process without parameters is started.

NOTE. Status bar is available only in the desktop application.

See also:

Building Process | Process Execution Monitoring