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Forms > Forms Assembly Enumerations

Forms Assembly Enumerations

The following enumerations are determined within the Forms assembly:

  Enumeration Brief description
BarDockingEdge The BarDockingEdge enumeration contains areas where some elements of visual interface can be placed.
BevelShape The BevelShape enumeration contains looks of the Bevel component.
BevelStyle The BevelStyle enumeration contains formatting styles of the Bevel component.
CalendarAlignment The CalendarAlignment enumeration contains variants of alignment of the drop-down calendar.
CalendarDateFormat The CalendarDateFormat enumeration contains formats of the date, in accordance with which the value is displayed.
CalendarDateMode The CalendarDateMode enumeration contains modes of date selection.
CheckBoxState The CheckBoxState enumeration contains states of the checkbox of the CheckBox component.
ComboboxStyle The ComboboxStyle enumeration contains work styles of the comboboxes.
ConditionOperatorType The ConditionOperatorType enumeration is used to determine a join statement when working with elements of the CtrlGroupConditions component.
ControlAlign The ControlAlign enumeration contains variants of alignment of the component within its parent form.
ControlBorderStyle The ControlBorderStyle enumeration contains border styles of different components.
ControlBorderType The ControlBorderType enumeration contains types of borders that can be drawn for components.
ControlCursor The ControlCursor enumeration contains looks of cursor that is displayed when the mouse cursor is pointed at the component.
ControlScrollStyle The ControlScrollStyle enumeration contains variants of scrollbars location in the component.
ControlSortType The ControlSortType enumeration contains types of sorting applied to component elements.
ControlsUpdateMode The ControlsUpdateMode enumeration contains options for recalculating form components' size.
DateTimePickerExMode The DateTimePickerExMode enumeration contains mode of date selection in the calendar.
DateTimePickerKind The DateTimePickerKind enumeration contains types of data that should be present in the DateTimePicker component.
DaysOfWeek The DaysOfWeek enumeration contains days, with which the week begins when the drop-down calendar of the DateTimePickerEx component is displayed.
DragDropEffects The DragDropEffects enumeration contains the Drag&Drop effects that are applied in the determined area of the components.
DragDropFormat The DragDropFormat enumeration contains formats, in which the data is passed during dragging. If is relevant working with repository objects.
DropAnimationType The DropAnimationType enumeration contains types of animations that are used when the objects are expanded.
EditCharacterCasing The EditCharacterCasing enumeration contains cases of the entered component characters.
FilterCondition The FilterCondition enumeration contains conditions, by which the data is selected.
FilterItemState The FilterItemState enumeration contains filtering types.
FilterRelation The FilterRelation enumeration contains logic relations of the condition with the following one.
FindModeType The FindModeType enumeration contains selection modes of the found elements.
FlashAlignMode The FlashAlignMode enumeration contains alignment modes of the Flash object inside the component when the component is resized.
FlashPanMode The FlashPanMode enumeration contains modes of shifting the displayed area of the Flash object inside the component.
FlashQuality The FlashQuality enumeration contains variants of the Flash object display quality.
FlashReadyState The FlashReadyState enumeration contains variants of Flash object readiness.
FlashScaleMode The FlashScaleMode enumeration contains Flash object display scales.
FontDialogDevice The FontDialogDevice contains fonts that should be included into the list of available fonts when the font selection dialog box is initialized.
FormBorderStyle The FormBorderStyle enumeration contains form border styles.
FormCloseReason The FormCloseReason enumeration contains values that determine result of form closing.
FormModalResult The FormModalResult enumeration contains results of modal form execution.
FormPosition The FormPosition enumeration contains positions of the form window on the screen.
FormWindowState The FormWindowState enumeration contains variants of form state on the screen during the startup.
FormWindowStyle The FormWindowStyle enumeration contains form styles.
HitTestResult The HitTestResult enumeration contains the component areas, in which the point that is passed as a parameter of the methods is located.
ImageButtonLayout The ImageButtonLayout enumeration contains values that determine a mode of icon location relative to the text of the ImageButton component.
KeyMessageType The KeyMessageType enumeration contains values that indicate when the OnKeyPreview event was generated.
KeyModifiers The enumeration contains modifiers of the keys that can be used when the key combinations are composed.
Keys The Keys enumeration contains codes of keyboard keys.
LeftRight The LeftRight enumeration contains variants of text location in the area of the CheckBox and RadioButton components.
ListViewIconArrangement The ListViewIconArrangement enumeration contains modes of alignment of the elements in the ListView component.
ListViewStyle The ListViewStyle enumeration contains display styles of the elements of the ListView component.
MDIFrameTabLocation The MDIFrameTabLocation enumeration contains variants of location of the tabs of MDI child windows in the area of the MDI main form.
MdiTileType The MdiTileType enumeration contains types of location of child windows in the MDI parent form.
MonthStyle The MonthStyle enumeration contains styles of the month name displaying in the edit box of the DateTimePickerEx component.
MouseButton The MouseButton enumeration contains a code of the mouse button that is used in any event.
NavigationBarHeaderContent The NavigationBarHeaderContent enumeration contains types of controls that can be used in the panel header.
NodeAttachMode The NodeAttachMode enumeration contains position relative to another component, in which the given tree element should be placed.
NodeCheckState The NodeCheckState enumeration contains state of the tree node selection.
OperationTextLayout The OperationTextLayout enumeration contains locations of the process timer relative to the text.
PanelBevel The PanelBevel enumeration contains effects that are applied for the borders of the Panel component.
PopupAlignment The PopupAlignment enumeration contains places where context menu is displayed relative to the mouse cursor.
ProgressBarOrientation The ProgressBarOrientation enumeration contains variants of the ProgressBar component orientation on the form.
ResizeStyle The ResizeStyle enumeration contains styles, which the Splitter component takes when the connected components are resized.
RibbonMainButtonColorStyle The RibbonMainButtonColorStyle enumeration contains formatting styles of the application button.
RibbonElementOrientation The RibbonElementOrientation enumeration contains variants of the control element orientation.
RibbonPaletteResize The RibbonPaletteResize enumeration contains methods of combobox resize.
RibbonProgressBarMode The RibbonProgressBarMode enumeration contains modes of process indicator displaying.
RibbonQATPosition The RibbonQATPosition enumeration contains positions of the quick access toolbar relative to the ribbon.
ScrollBarCode The ScrollBarCode enumeration contains the values that specify as a result of what action the event connected with the scrollbar was generated.
SelectionModeType The SelectionModeType enumeration contains modes of elements selection.
ShellSpecialFolder The enumeration contains list of system folders that should be root folders when the Windows standard dialog box of folder opening opens.
ShiftState The ShiftState enumeration contains values that correspond to the used auxiliary keys and mouse buttons.
SortDirection The SortDirection enumeration contains the directions of sorting that should be set in the column.
StartDockPosition The StartDockPosition enumeration contains positions, in which the component should be docked.
TableFilterIconState The TableFilterIconState enumeration contains icon states.
TabPositionEnum The TabPositionEnum enumeration contains positions of tab titles.
TabStyle The TabStyle enumeration contains styles of page tabs of the PageControl component.
TextAlignment The TextAlignment enumeration contains methods of text alignment in the component.
TextLayout The TextLayout enumeration contains variants of vertical text alignment inside the component area.
TextTrimming The TextTrimming enumeration contains modes of text trimming in the ImageButton component if the text does not fit into the area of the component.
TrackBarOrientation The TrackBarOrientation enumeration contains variants of the TrackBar component orientation on the form.
TrackBarTickMark The TrackBarTickMark enumeration contains methods of making tick marks.
TrackBarTickStyle The TrackBarTickStyle enumeration contains styles of making tick marks.
TreeComboFilterStyle The TreeComboFilterStyle enumeration contains modes of building a filtered elements tree.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces | Forms Assembly Classes | Examples