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Forms > Forms Assembly Enumerations > DragDropEffects



The DragDropEffects enumeration contains the Drag&Drop effects that are applied in the determined area of the components.

The following properties and methods use this type:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Place, over which the mechanism of dragging stops, does not receive data.
1 Copy. Place, over which the mechanism of dragging stops, receives data copy. Data source is not changes.
2 Move. Place, over which the mechanism of dragging stops, receives data copy. Data source is cleared.
4 Link. Link to original data is created on the place, over which the mechanism of dragging stops.
-2147483648 Scroll. Place, over which the mechanism of dragging stops, begins or continues to be scrolled depending on the previous state. This value is used to add other values.

See also:

Forms Assembly Enumerations