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Forms > Forms Assembly Enumerations > ShellSpecialFolder



The enumeration contains list of system folders that should be root folders when the Windows standard dialog box of folder opening opens.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 ApplicationData. The directory that serves as common backup for application-specific data of the current roaming user.
A roaming user works on more than one computers of a network. Profile of a roaming user is stored at the network server and loaded to the system when the user connects.
1 CommonApplicationData. Directory that serves as a common repository for the application-specific data used by all users.
2 CommonProgramFiles. Directory for components that are common for applications.
3 Cookies. Directory that server as a common repository of cookies files.
4 Desktop. Logical desktop but not physical location of system files.
5 DesktopDirectory. Directory that is used for physical storage of objects of the desktop file.
It is necessary to distinguish between this directory and desktop folder that is a virtual folder.
6 Favorites. Directory that serves as a common repository for favorite user elements.
7 History. Directory that serves as a common repository of the elements of the Internet log.
8 InternetCache. Directory that serves as a common repository of Internet temporary files.
9 LocalApplicationData. Directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data that is used by the current, non-roaming user.
10 MyComputer. My Computer folder.
11 MyMusic. My Music folder.
12 MyPictures - My Pictures folder.
13 Personal. Directory that serves as a common repository for documents.
14 ProgramFiles. Directory of program files.
15 Programs. Directory that contains groups of user programs.
16 Recent. Directory that contains shortcuts for recently used documents.
17 SendTo. Directory that contains the Send menu item.
18 StartMenu. Directory that contains Start menu items.
19 Startup. Directory that corresponds to the group of user startup programs.
20 System. Windows system directory.
21 Templates. Directory that serves as a common repository for document templates.

See also:

Forms Assembly Enumerations