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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces

Forms Assembly Interfaces

The following interfaces are determined within the Forms assembly:

Interfaces that describe properties, methods, and events of components and objects related with the development environment components.

  Interface Brief description
IActionItem The IActionItem interface contains properties and methods of the action that is contained in the list of actions of the ActionList component.
IActionList The IActionList interface contains properties and methods of the ActionList development environment component.
IAnchors The IAnchors property contains properties that are used to determine the component binding to the edges of parent component.
IBannerBar The IBannerBar interface contains properties and methods of the BannerBar development environment component.
IBaseRibbonElement The IBaseRibbonElements interface contains basic properties that are used to work with collections of controls.
IBaseRibbonElements The IBaseRibbonElements interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of controls.
IBevel The IBevel interface contains properties and methods of the Bevel development environment component.
IBreadcrumb The IBreadcrumb interface contains properties and methods of the Breadcrumb development environment component.
IBreadcrumbItem The IBreadcrumbItem interface contains properties of the element of the Breadcrumb component.
IBreadcrumbItems The IBreadcrumbItems interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of elements of the Breadcrumb component.
IButton The IButton interface contains properties and methods of the Button development environment component.
ICalendarColors The ICalendarColors interface contains properties that are used to configureset up the color scheme of the calendar.
ICheckBox The ICheckBox interface contains properties and methods of the CheckBox development environment component.
IClipboard The IClipboard interface contains static properties and methods that are used to work with the clipboard implemented by the Clipboard class.
IColorDialog The IColorDialog interface contains properties and methods of the ColorDialog development environment component.
IComboBox The IComboBox interface contains properties and methods of the ComboBox development environment component.
ICommonCalendar The ICommonCalendar interface contains basic properties and methods of the calendars.
IComponent The IComponent interface is a base one and contains main properties of all components of the custom forms designer.
IConditionElement The IConditionElement interface is used to work with the element of group of the CtrlGroupConditions component.
IConditionElements The IConditionElements interface is used to work with the collection of elements of the group of the CtrlGroupConditions development environment component.
IConditionGroup The IConditionGroup interface is used to work with group of elements of the CtrlGroupConditions component.
IConditionGroups The IConditionGroups interface is used to work with the collection of groups of elements of the CtrlGroupConditions component.
IControl The IControl interface is a base and contains main properties and methods for all visual components of the custom forms designer.
IControlBar The IControlBar interface contains properties and methods of the ControlBar development environment component.
IControlFont The IControlFont interface contains properties that are used to set up the component font.
ICtrlGroupConditions The ICtrlGroupConditions interface is used to work with the CtrlGroupConditions development environment component.
ICustomEdit The ICustomEdit interface contains basic properties and methods of the development environment components that support input and editing of data.
IDateTimePicker The IDateTimePicker interface contains properties and methods of the DateTimePicker development environment component.
IDateTimePickerEx The IDateTimePickerEx interface contains properties and methods of the DateTimePickerEx development environment component.
IDecimalEdit The IDecimalEdit interface contains properties and methods of the DecimalEdit development environment component.
IDockSite The IDockSite interface contains properties that determine sides of parent, form to which it should be possible to dock the popup panel during form execution.
IDocumentPrinter The IDocumentPrinter interface contains properties and methods of the DocumentPrinter development environment component.
IDocumentSource The IDocumentSource interface is an abstract data source for the DocumentPrinter component.
IDragDrop The IDragDrop interface contains static methods of the DragDrop class.
IDragDropParams The IDragDropParams interface contains properties that are used to get information about the event that occurs when the data is dragged in the .NET component.
IDropForm The IDropForm interface contains properties and methods of the DropForm development environment component.
IEditBox The IEditBox interface contains properties and methods of the EditBox development environment component.
IEditBoxEx The IEditBoxEx interface contains properties and methods of the components that are the upgraded editors that are used to input specific values.
IFileDialog The IFileDialog interface contains basic properties of the dialog boxes for file opening and saving.
IFileOpenDialog The IFileOpenDialog interface contains properties and methods of the FileOpenDialog development environment component.
IFileSaveDialog The IFileSaveDialog interface contains properties and methods of the FileSaveDialog development environment component.
IFlashBox The IFlashBox interface contains properties and methods of the FlashBox development environment component.
IFloatEdit The IFloatEdit interface contains properties and methods of the FloatEdit development environment component.
IFolderBrowserDialog The IFolderBrowserDialog interface contains properties and methods of the FolderBrowserDialog development environment component.
IFontDialog The IFontDialog interface contains properties and methods of the FontDialog development environment component.
IFontDialogOptions The IFontDialogOptions interface contains properties that determine parameters of font selection dialog box displaying.
IFormClass The IFormClass interface contains static properties of the Form class that implements a custom form.
IFormControl The IFormControl interface contains properties and methods of a custom form.
IFrame The IFrame interface contains properties and methods of the Frame development environment component.
IGroupBox The IGroupBox interface contains properties and methods of the GroupBox development environment component.
IHotTrackStyles The IHotTrackStyles interface contains properties that are used to determine a style of highlight of the elements of the ListView list.
IHyperlink The IHyperlink interface contains properties and methods of the Hyperlink development environment component.
IImageBox The IImageBox interface contains properties and methods of the ImageBox development environment component.
IImageButton The IImageButton interface contains properties and methods of the ImageButton development environment component.
IImageButtonLook The IImageButtonLook interface contains properties that determine look of the ImageButton component in different states.
IImageButtonMargins The IImageButtonMargins interface contains properties that are used to determine the margins of the text inside the area of the ImageButton component relative to the component borders.
IImageList The IImageList interface is used to work with the development environment components: ImageList and GlobalImageList component.
IIntegerEdit The IIntegerEdit interface contains properties and methods of the IntegerEdit development environment component.
ILabel The ILabel interface contains properties and methods of the Label development environment component.
IListBox The IListBox interface contains properties and methods of the ListBox development environment component.
IListView The IListView interface contains properties and methods of the ListView development environment component.
IListViewColumn The IListViewColumn interface contains properties and methods of the column of the ListView component.
IListViewColumns The IListViewColumns interface contains properties and methods of the collection of columns of the ListView component.
IListViewItem The IListViewItem interface contains properties and methods of the element of the ListView development environment component.
IListViewItems The IListViewItems interface contains properties and methods of the collection of the ListView component.
IMainMenu The IMainMenu interface contains properties and methods of the MainMenu development environment component.
IMapxBox The IMapxBox interface contains properties and methods of the MapxBox development environment component.
IMaskEdit The IMaskEdit interface contains properties and methods of the MaskEdit development environment component.
IMemo The IMemo interface contains properties and methods of the Memo development environment component.
IMenu The IMenu interface is a base one and contains properties of the MainMenu and PopupMenu components.
IMenuButton The IMenuButton interface contains properties and methods of the MenuButton development environment component.
IMenuItem The IMenuItem interface contains properties and methods of the menu element.
IMenuItems The IMenuItems interface contains properties and methods of the collection of elements of the menu of the MainMenu and PopupMenu components.
IMonthCalendar The IMonthCalendar interface contains properties and methods of the MonthCalendar development environment component.
INavigationBar The INavigationBar interface contains properties and methods of the NavigationBar development environment component.
INavigationBarHeader The INavigationBarHeader interface contains properties of the tab header displayed in the navigation panel.
INavigationBarPad The INavigationBarPad interface contains properties of the tab displayed in the navigation panel area.
INavigationBarPadList The INavigationBarPads interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the tabs collection of navigation bar.
INavigationBarPads The INavigationBarPads interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the tabs collection of navigation panel.
INavigationBarPanel The INavigationBarPanel interface contains properties and methods that are used to to work with a panel connected to the navigation panel tab.
IOleDocumentBox The IOleDocumentBox interface contains properties and methods of the OleDocumentBox development environment component.
IPageControl The IPageControl interface contains properties and methods of the PageControl development environment component.
IPageControlSheet The IPageControlSheet interface contains properties and methods of the page of the PageControl component.
IPageControlSheets The IPageControlSheets interface contains properties and methods of the collection of pages of the PageControl component.
IPanel The IPanel interface contains properties and methods of the Panel development environment component.
IPoint The IPoint interface contains properties that determine coordinates of the screen point.
IPopupMenu The IPopupMenu interface contains properties and methods of the PopupMenu development environment component.
IPPButton The IPPButton interface contains properties and methods of the PPButton development environment component.
IPPButtonGroup The IPPButtonGroup interface contains properties and methods of the PPButtonGroup component.
IPPSwitchButton The IPPSwitchButton interface contains properties and methods of the button of the PPButtonGroup component.
IProgressBar The IProgressBar interface contains properties and methods of the ProgressBar development environment component.
IRadioButton The IRadioButton interface contains properties and methods of the RadioButton development environment component.
IRibbon The IRibbon interface contains properties and methods of the Ribbon component.
IRibbonButton The IRibbonButton interface contains properties of the Button ribbon control.
IRibbonCategories The IRibbonCategories interface contains properties of the collection of ribbon tabs.
IRibbonCategory The IRibbonCategory interface contains properties of the ribbon tab.
IRibbonCheckBox The IRibbonCheckBox interface contains properties of the Checkbox ribbon control.
IRibbonColorButton The IRibbonColorButton interface contains properties of the Button for Color Selection ribbon control.
IRibbonComboBox The IRibbonComboBox interface contains properties of the Combo Box ribbon control.
IRibbonContext The IRibbonContext interface contains properties that are used to work with a context tab.
IRibbonContexts The IRibbonContexts interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of context tabs of the ribbon.
IRibbonDateTimePicker The IRibbonDateTimePicker interface contains properties of the Date and Time Editor ribbon control.
IRibbonEdit The IRibbonEdit interface contains properties of the Text Editor ribbon control.
IRibbonElementsCollection The IRibbonElementsCollection interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collections of controls of the different ribbon areas.
IRibbonFloatEdit The IRibbonFloatEdit interface contains properties of the Float Values Editor ribbon control.
IRibbonFontComboBox The IRibbonFontComboBox interface contains properties of the Drop-down List for Font Selection ribbon control.
IRibbonGroup The IRibbonGroup interface contains properties of the group of ribbon controls.
IRibbonIntegerEdit The IRibbonIntegerEdit interface contains properties of the Integer Values Editor ribbon control.
IRibbonLabel The IRibbonLabel interface contains properties of the Static Text ribbon control.
IRibbonMainButton The IRibbonMainButton interface contains properties that are used to work with application button placed on the ribbon.
IRibbonPaletteButton The IRibbonPaletteButton interface contains properties of the Button for Calling a Combo Box ribbon control.
IRibbonPaletteButtonGroup The IRibbonPaletteButtonGroup interface contains properties of the group of graphic buttons displayed on opening the combobox.
IRibbonPaletteButtonGroups The IRibbonPaletteButtonGroups interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of groups of graphic buttons used in the combobox.
IRibbonPanel The IRibbonPanel interface contains properties of the panel placed on the ribbon tab.
IRibbonPanels The IRibbonPanels interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of panels placed on the ribbon tab.
IRibbonProgressBar The IRibbonProgressBar interface contains properties of the Progress Bar ribbon control.
IRibbonQuickAccessToolbar The IRibbonQuickAccessToolbar interface contains properties that are used to work with the quick access toolbar.
IRibbonRadioButton The IRibbonRadioButton interface contains properties of the Radio Button ribbon control.
IRibbonSeparator The IRibbonSeparator interface contains properties of the Separator ribbon control.
IRibbonSlider The IRibbonSlider interface contains properties of the Slider ribbon control.
IScrollBars The IScrollBars interface contains properties that are used to get information about scrollbars of the components.
IScrollBox The IScrollBox interface contains properties and methods of the ScrollBox development environment component.
IScrollEventArgs The IScrollEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that are connected with change of scrollbars slider position of the component.
IScrollInfo The IScrollInfo interface contains properties that are used to get information about the scrollbar.
ISearchEdit The ISearchEdit interface contains properties and methods of the SearchEdit component.
ISizeConstraints The ISizeConstraints interface contains properties that impose constraints on the maximum and minimum size of the form.
ISpinEdit The ISpinEdit interface contains properties and methods of the SpinEdit development environment component.
ISplitter The ISplitter interface contains properties and methods of the Splitter development environment component.
IStatusBar The IStatusBar interface contains properties and methods of the StatusBar development environment component.
ITableFilter The ITableFilter interface controls parameters of filtering of the and DataGrid components.
ITableFilterCondition The ITableFilterCondition interface contains properties and methods that are used to control filtering conditions.
ITableFilterConditions The ITableFilterConditions interface contains properties and methods that are used to control the filtering conditions collection.
ITableFilterItem The ITableFilterItem interface contains properties and methods of the elements that determine filtering by column.
ITableFilterLimitCondition The ITableFilterLimitCondition interface contains properties that are used to control conditions of the Top N filtering type.
IStatusBarPane The IStatusBarPane interface contains properties of the panel of the StatusBar component.
IStatusBarPanes The IStatusBarPanes interface contains properties and methods of the collection of panels of the StatusBar component.
ITerm The ITerm interface contains properties of the term that is included in the list of terms of different components.
ITermEdit The ITermEdit interface contains properties and methods of the TermEdit and TermEditEx development environment component and their derived components.
ITermList The ITermList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of terms.
ITimer The ITimer interface contains properties and methods of the Timer development environment component.
IToolbar The IToolbar interface contains properties and methods of the Toolbar development environment component.
IToolbarButton The IToolbarButton interface contains properties and methods of the button placed on the toolbar.
IToolbarComboBox The IToolbarComboBox interface contains properties and methods of the combobox placed on the toolbar.
IToolbarControls The IToolbarControls interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of controls placed on the toolbar.
ITrackBar The ITrackBar interface contains properties and methods of the TrackBar development environment component.
ITreeCombo The ITreeCombo interface contains properties and methods of the TreeCombo development environment component.
ITreeControl The ITreeControl interface contains basic properties and methods of components displaying tree-like hierarchical structures.
ITreeList The ITreeList interface contains properties and methods of the TreeList development environment component.
ITreeListColumn The ITreeListColumn interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a column of the TreeList and TreeCombo components.
ITreeListColumns The ITreeListColumns interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of columns of the TreeList and TreeCombo components.
ITreeListNode The ITreeListNode interface contains properties and methods of the tree nodes.
ITreeListNodeBase The ITreeListNodeBase interface contains basic properties of the tree nodes.
ITreeListNodes The ITreeListNodes interface contains properties and methods of the collection of nodes.
ITreeListSelection The ITreeListSelection interface contains properties of the selected elements selection of the tree of the TreeList and TreeCombo components.
IUiBar The IUiBar interface contains basic properties and methods of built-in components.
IWebBrowserBox The IWebBrowserBox interface contains properties and methods of the WebBrowserBox component.
IWidget The IWidget interface contains basic properties of the components that implement a set of system tabs with controls that are used to set up parameters of some object.
IWin32Window The IWin32Window interface contains properties of the objects that grant the descriptor of the Win32 window to other applications.
IWizard The IWizard interface contains properties and methods of the Wizard development environment component.
IWizardButtons The IWizardButtons interface contains properties that determine the buttons of the form that are used to navigate through the pages of the Wizard component.
IWizardPage The IWizardPage interface contains properties and methods of the page of the Wizard component.
IWizardPages The IWizardPages interface contains properties and methods of the collection of pages of the Wizard component.
IWizardSplash The IWizardSplash interface contains properties and methods of the WizardSplash development environment component.

Interfaces that describe argument properties of different events of the development environment component.

  Interface Brief description


The IBeginDragEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event occurring on dragging any object on the form.


The IBreadcrumbActionItemEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs before any action over the element of the component.


The IBreadcrumbItemEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur when any actions are executed with component elements.


The IBreadcrumbItemPopupMenuEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the context menu is called for the element.


The IBreadcrumbMouseEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur when the mouse button clicks on the element or on the additional button of the component element.


The ICancelEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events, in which it is possible to cancel any action.


The ICloseQueryEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnCloseQuery event that occurs when the form receives a command for closing.


The ICommandEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnCommand event that occurs when a command is sent to the form.


The ICommonCalendarEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnChange event that occurs on changing a calendar value.


The IDateTimePickerEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the OnChange, OnCloseUp, OnDropDown events of the DateTimePicker component that occur on various changes in the component during form execution.


The IDateTimePickerExEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the OnChange, OnCloseUp, OnDropDown events of the DateTimePickerEx component that occur on various changes in the component during form execution.


The IDragEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur when the objects are dragged using the Drag&Drop mechanism.


The IEventArgs interface is a base one for arguments of all events.


The IEventArgsClass interface contains static properties of the EventArgs class.


The IFlashBoxCommandEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the Flash object receives a command.


The IFlashBoxProgressEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the Flash object is loaded.


The IFlashBoxReadyStateChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when Flash object readiness is changed.


The IHelpEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the component is pressed, if the mode of help displaying is active or on pressing the F1 button for the active component.


The IKeyEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events that occur when some keys are pressed or released on the active component.


The IKeyPressEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnKeyPress event that occurs when a key is pressed.


The IKeyPreviewEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnKeyPreview event that occurs before the events related to key pressing.


The IListViewActionEventArgs interface contains properties of the arguments of the events that occur before any action is executed with the elements of the ListView component.


The IListViewColumnEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on clicking the main mouse button on the column header of the ListView component.


The IListViewCompareEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on comparing two elements when sorting the column of the ListView component tab.


The IListViewEditTextEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs on editing the element or on changing a tooltip for elements of the ListView component.


The IListViewEventArgs interface contains basic properties of event arguments of the ListView component.


The IListViewItemEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur when any actions are executed with the elements of the ListView component.


The IListViewSelectItemEventArgs interface contains properties of the event argument that occurs on changing selection of any element of the ListView component.


The IMapxBoxEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs after the tool has been used on the map.


The IMDIActivateEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the active MDI child form is changed.


The IMDICloseEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the MDI child form is closed.


The IMouseClickEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the mouse button is pressed or released.


The IMouseEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the actions are executed by the mouse.


The IMouseWheelEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the mouse wheel is turned.


The INavigationBarPadChangingEventArgs interface contains properties of the event argument caused before activation of the tab of the NavigationBar component.


The INavigationBarPadEventArgs interface contains basic properties of events of the NavigationBar component.


The IOleDocumentBoxEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the events of the object loaded in OleDocumentBox are handled.


The IOleDocumentBoxEventParams interface contains properties of the collection of parameters of the event of the object loaded to OleDocumentBox.


The IParseTermEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the text is converted into term.


The IPopupMenuEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the context menu opens.


The IPositionEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur when the component is moved or resized.


The IRibbonChangeEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the Ribbon.OnChange event that occurs when any ribbon controls are used.


The ISplitterEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the components connected with the Splitter component are resized.


The ITermEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the hyperlink of any term is clicked.


The ITrackBarEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the slider position of the TrackBar component is changed.


The ITreeColumnEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the main mouse button clicks on the header of the column of the TreeCombo or TreeList components.


The ITreeComboEventArgs interface contains basic properties of the argument of the events of the TreeCombo component.


The ITreeComboEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the combobox of the TreeCombo component is collapsed.


The ITreeControlCompareEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when custom sorting of elements of the TreeCombo or TreeList components is executed.


The ITreeControlEventArgs interface contains basic properties of the arguments of the events of the TreeCombo and TreeList components.


The ITreeNodeActionEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur before any action over the tree node of the TreeCombo and TreeList components.


The ITreeNodeCheckedEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs after element checkbox selection has been changed.


The ITreeNodeCheckingEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs before element checkbox selection has been changed.


The ITreeNodeColumnEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that are related with the specific column of the component.


The ITreeNodeEditEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs after exiting the element edit mode.


The ITreeNodeEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur for any tree node of the TreeCombo and TreeList components.


The ITreeNodeGetHintEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the event that occurs when the tooltip is displayed near the element, over which the mouse cursor has stopped.


The ITreeNodeGetImageEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of events that occur when the image and state image of the element of the tree of the TreeCombo and TreeList components are received.


The ITreeSearchEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs at the start of search or filtering of elements in the component.


The ITreeSearchNodeEventArgs interface contains properties of argument of the event that occurs after search of filtering of elements in the component.


The IValueChangedEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events of theSpinEdit component.


The IWebBrowserBeforeNavigateEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the OnBeforeNavigate2 event that occurs before jumping to a web page.


The IWebBrowserUrlEventArgs interface contains basic properties of the arguments of the events of the WebBrowserBox component.


The IWizardNavigationEventArgs interface contains properties of the argument of the events that occur during the jump by page change in the Wizard component.

See also:

Forms Assembly Enumerations | Forms Assembly Classes | Examples