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Forms > Forms Assembly Interfaces > IRibbonDateTimePicker


Assembly: Forms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Forms;


The IRibbonDateTimePicker interface contains properties of the Date and Time Editor ribbon control.

Inheritance Hierarchy





  Property name Brief description
Alignment The Alignment property determines the type of alignment of the drop-down calendar relative to the component borders.
Checked The Checked property determines status of the checkbox responsible for access to date and time editor.
CurrentDate The CurrentDate property determines the current date and time of the control.
DropCalendar The DropCalendar property determines whether a drop-down calendar can be opened.
DroppedDown The DroppedDown property returns whether drop-down calendar of the component is displayed.
EnableTodayButton The EnableTodayButton property determines whether the button for setting the current date and time is displayed in the drop-down calendar.
InnerWidth The InnerWidth property determines width of the control.
IsValidDate The IsValidDate property returns whether it is possible to set the value passed by the input parameter.
MaxDate The MaxDate property determines the maximum value of the date that can be set in the control.
MinDate The MinDate property determines the minimum value of the date that can be set in the control.
Mode The Mode property determines the mode of date setting in the calendar.
MonthFormat The MonthFormat property determines style of month name displaying in the control edit box.
ShowCheckbox The ShowCheckbox property determines whether there is a checkbox that determines access to the time and date editor.
ShowDate The ShowDate property determines whether date is displayed in the component.
ShowModeDays The ShowModeDays property determines whether the button that is used to enable the mode of setting date by selecting a day in the month is shown in the component field.
ShowModeHalfYears The ShowModeHalfYears property determines whether the button that is used to enable the mode of setting date by selecting a half year is shown in the component area.
ShowModeMonths The ShowModeMonths property determines whether the button that is used to enable the mode of setting date by selecting a month in the year is shown in the component area.
ShowModeQuarters The ShowModeQuarters property determines whether the button that is used to enable the mode of setting date by selecting a quarter in the year is shown in the component field.
ShowModeWeeks The ShowModeWeeks property determines whether the button that is used to enable the mode of setting date by selecting a week in the half year is shown in the component field.
ShowModeYears The ShowModeYears property determines whether the button that is used to enable the mode of setting date by selecting a year is shown in the component area.
ShowSpinButton The ShowSpinButton property determines whether the UP and DOWN buttons are shown, which are used to change values of particular date ad time components.
ShowTime The ShowTime property determines whether time is displayed in the time editor.

Properties inherited from IBaseRibbonElement

  Property name Brief description
The Category property returns a tab, in area of which a control is placed.
The Description property determines description of a control.
The Enabled property determines whether a control is available for the user.
The Height returns height of a control.
The Highlighted property returns whether the current control is highlighted.
The Hint property determines text of the tooltip for a control.
The Id property returns identifier of a control.
The Keys property determines a hot key that is used for quick access to a control.
The Left property returns distance from the left border of the parent component to the left border of the current control.
The ParentElement property returns parent control.
The ParentGroup property returns the group, in which this control is included.
The ParentPanel property returns the panel, on which a control is placed.
The Text property determines the text that is displayed in the control area.
The Top property returns the distance from the top border of the parent component to the top border of the current control.
The Visible property determines whether a control is visible.
The Width property returns width of the control.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns the child component, which index is passed by the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines a component name.
Tag The compiler does not use the Tag property. The user can change the value of the Tag property and use it as he wishes.

See also:

Forms Assembly Interfaces

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