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Working with Repository > PP.Mb



The namespace contains classes used to work with repository objects including dimensions.


  Class name Brief description
BaseCtrl The BaseCtrl class implements base controller for BI tools.
BiService The BiService class is used to work with BI services of Foresight. Analytics Platform components.
CubeImport The CubeImport class implements a model of data import object.
DataImportService The DataImportService class implements a service for working with data import.
DataMiningService The DataMiningService class implements working with data mining services.
Descriptor The Descriptor class is a base class for all repository objects.
DimensionFilter The DimensionFilter class implements filter of dimension elements.
DimSelection The DimSelection class implements dimension selection.
DimSelectionSet The DimSelectionSet class is a dimensions collection that represents a repository object.
DimSource The DimSource class implements the dictionary model.
DimSrv The DimSrv class is used to work with a service for working with dictionaries.
DimTreeCtrl The DimTreeCtrl class implements controller for working with dimension.
ElsFilter The ElsFilter class implements dimension element filter.
HieService The HieService class is used to work with time series database hierarchy of Foresight Analytics Platform.
Metabase The Metabase class is used to create a connection to repository.
MetaHierarchy The MetaHierarchy class implements an instance of hierarchy metadata.
OAuthLogonData The OAuthLogonData class implements user credentials to login to repository using OAuth protocol.
Object The Object class is a base class for open objects of the repository.
Param The Param class contains properties of repository object parameters.
PPService The PPService class is a basic class to work with Foresight Analytics Platform services.
ResService The ResService class is used to work with string resources.
Resource The Resource class is used to work with string resources in different locales.
SAML2LogonData The SAML2LogonData class implements account data to connect to repository via the SAML 2.0 protocol.
ServiceRequest The ServiceRequest class is used to handle service requests.
TabSheetDataSource The TabSheetDataSource class implements data source for a spreadsheet table.
UserCreds The UserCreds class implements user credentials.


  Class name Brief description
DbDataType The DbDataType enumeration contains types of service data.
DmElRelative The DmElRelative enumeration contains elements to be affected by the command for changing selection in the dimension.
DmMethodKind The DmMethodKind enumeration contains data mining methods.
DrillMethod The DrillMethod enumeration contains methods for navigating the dimension of the level elements that are taken by the service.
DrillMethodNumber The DrillMethodNumber enumeration contains methods to drill down the data passed from the service as a sum of several values.
FaultCodes The FaultCodes enumeration contains SoapFault service code errors.
FindInfoAttribute The FindInfoAttribute enumeration contains attributes which will be used to search for repository objects.
ListOperation The ListOperation enumeration contains the type of operations with list elements.
OAuthService The OAuthService enumeration contains services for authentication via OAuth server.
ObjectCopyOperation The ObjectCopyOperation enumeration contains operations that can be performed when saving an object copy.
ResultType The ResultType enumeration contains data consumer types on import.
SelCommands The SelCommands enumeration contains commands used to select dimension elements.
SourceType The SourceType enumeration contains data source types on import.
TranslateMode The TranslateMode enumeration contains modes of displaying strings for entering of object name translations in different languages in the Translation dialog box.
TreeRelation The TreeRelation enumeration contains types of relations between tree elements.
TriState The TriState enumeration contains variants of rendering a control in the Controls panel of regular report.

See also:

Class Library