Working with Repository > PP.Mb > Enumerations > FaultCodes
Namespace: PP.Mb;
The FaultCodes enumeration contains SoapFault service code errors.
It is used by the LoginForm.checkPwdPolicy method.
Value |
Brief description |
0 |
None. No error code. |
5248 |
USERMUSTCHANGEPASSWORD. It it required to change password. |
5265 |
KE_SOM_PWD_LESSMINLENGTH. It is required to set minimum password length (characters). |
5313 |
KE_SOM_USERLOGON_BLOCKED. It is required to lock the user after the specified number of failed logins. |
5249 |
KE_SOM_PWD_EQUSERNAME. User name and password must differ. |
5262 |
KE_SOM_PWD_EQFULLUSERNAME. Full user name and password must differ. |
5263 |
KE_SOM_PWD_CHARSDIF. Password must consist of different characters. |
5309 |
KE_SOM_PWD_LETTERCASE. Password must contain letters in different case. |
5959 |
KE_SOM_SECCMNT_PASSREQUIREDIGITSANDCHARS_ON. Password must contain numbers and letters. |
5264 |
KE_SOM_PWD_UNIQDEGREE. The minimum number of positions, in which the new password must differ from the old one (%s), is not reached. |
5250 |
KE_SOM_PWD_CHARSINVALID. Password must contain only letters a-z, numbers 0-9, characters '%s' and must begin from a letter or a number, or '_'. |
5251 |
KE_SOM_PWD_CHARSDIGSSYMS. Password must contain at least one letter a-z, number 0-9, and character '%s'. |
5821 |
KE_SOM_PWD_MAX_REPEATED_CHARS. The maximum allowed number of repeated characters in password (%s) is exceeded. |
26893 |
KE_SOM_PWD_EQUSPWD. It is required to select a new password because the user already used this password. |
5961 |
KE_SOM_SECCMNT_PASSREQUIRENONALPHABETICCHARS_ON. Password must contain special characters (_, @, #, $, %, &, *, ^ ). |
5535 |
KE_SOM_PWD_STRINGFORBIDDEN. Password must not contain the string '%s'. |
5272 |
Warning, INVALIDID. Warning. |
5985 |
KE_SOM_DBNAME_FAILED. It is required to specify the correct name of repository database. |
6157 |
11 |
FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR. File import error. |
6195 |
INVALID_SESSION_MONIKER. Incorrect repository session identifier. |
3086 |
ID_PILIB_LICEXCEPTION. No license for this tool. |
See also: