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Working with a Dimension > Classes > DimSource


Namespace: PP.Mb;

Inheritance Hierarchy






The DimSource class implements the dictionary model.


PP.initClass(PP.Mb.DimSource, PP.Mb.Object, "PP.Mb.DimSource");


  Constructor name Brief description
sub_image.gif DimSource The DimSource constructor creates an instance of the DimSource class.


  Method name Brief description
addSelection The addSelection method adds a moniker to work with alternative dimension selection.
clearDimItems The clearDimItems method clears the list of uploaded dictionary elements.
getActiveGroup The getActiveGroup method returns active dimension group.
getActiveHierarchy The getActiveHierarchy method returns active alternative dimension hierarchy.
getActiveSchema The getActiveSchema method returns active dimension selection schema.
getAllSelections The getAllSelections method returns array of stored dimension selections.
getAttributeIndex The getAttributeIndex method returns index of dictionary attribute by identifier.
getAttributes The getAttributes method returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary attributes values.
getCalendarLevels The getCalendarLevels method returns list or array of calendar dimension elements by elements.
getChildEls The getChildEls method returns children elements array of selected element by key.
getChildrenCount The getChildrenCount method returns number of children elements included in selection of the specified dictionary element.
getDefaultFilter The getDefaultFilter method returns basic filter of dimension elements.
getElem The getElem method returns dictionary elements.
getElems The getElems method returns arrays of loaded dictionary elements.
getErrorInfo The getErrorInfo method returns information about error in dimension structure.
getFirstSelectedText The getFirstSelectedText method returns text of the first selected element.
getGroups The getGroups method returns group of dictionary elements that is set in selection.
getHierarchies The getHierarchies method returns collection of alternative hierarchies data for dictionary.
getIndexes The getIndexes method returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary indexes.
getIsAllElsLoaded The getIsAllElsLoaded method returns result of dimension elements loading.
getIsDataLoading The getIsDataLoading method returns loading state of dimension elements.
getIsElUpdated The getIsElUpdated method returns dictionary element state by key.
getIsEmpty The getIsEmpty method returns results checking whether there are elements in dictionary.
getIsPlain The getIsPlain method returns result of checking whether there are children elements in dictionary elements structure.
getIsSelInfoUpdated The getIsSelInfoUpdated method returns synchronization result of dimension selection.
getIsStateLoading The getIsStateLoading method returns loading state of dimension elements.
getLastSelectedText The getLastSelectedText method returns text of the last selected element.
getLevels The getLevels method returns objects containing a collection of dictionary elements levels.
getLoadedAttributes The getLoadedAttributes method returns list of loaded attributes to dictionary.
getPredefinedAttributeId The getPredefinedAttributeId method returns identifier of predefined attribute in dictionary.
getPredefinedAttributes The getPredefinedAttributes method returned predefined attributes in dictionary.
getSchemas The getSchemas method returns object to work with collection of dimension selection schemas.
getSelectedCount The getSelectedCount method returns the number of elements in dimension selection.
getSelectedGroup The getSelectedGroup method returns selected group of dimension elements.
getSelectionInfo The getSelectionInfo method returns information about selected elements of dimension selection.
getTotalCount The getTotalCount method returns maximum number of dictionary elements.
increaseState The increaseState method increases state counter of dimension.
isCalendar The isCalendar method returns attribute of calendar dimension.
isCompoundSelection The isCompoundSelection method returns whether dimension selection is composite dimension selection.
isElemsExist The isElemsExist method returns checking result of loaded elements to dimension.
isMdLoaded The isMdLoaded method returns checking result of dimension whether it contains metadata required for work.
isNameAttributesLoaded The isNameAttributesLoaded method returns loading result of displayed attributes to dictionary.
isSelectionExist The isSelectionExist method returns whether dimension selection exists.
removeSelection The removeSelection method deselects all dimension elements.
setAllElements The setAllElements method fills the dictionary with specified elements.
setChildEls The setChildEls method sets children elements array of selected element by key.
setIsDataLoading The setIsDataLoading method sets loading state of dimension elements.
setIsStateLoading The setIsStateLoading method sets loading state of selection schema, group of elements and dictionary hierarchy.
setSelectionInfo The setSelectionInfo method sets information about dimension selection.
setTotalCount The setTotalCount method sets maximum number of dictionary elements.
updateEls The updateEls method updates dimension elements state and dictionary attributes data.

Methods inherited from the class PP.Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

Methods inherited from the class PP.Mb.Descriptor

  Method name Brief description
getState The getState method returns object descriptor metadata: values of all properties of the Descriptor class.

Methods inherited from the class PP.Mb.Object

  Method name Brief description
getIsOpened The getIsOpened method returns object opening checking result.
getRights The getRights method returns effective access permissions of the object.


  Property name Brief description
MetadataChanged The MetadataChanged event occurs after changing repository object metadata.

See also: