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Working with Common Classes

Working with Common Classes



The PP namespace contains kernel classes.


  Class name Brief description
AnimationSettings The AnimationSettings class determines animation settings for visual component.
AppConfig The AppConfig class is a static class that contains settings of Foresight Analytics Platform web application.
BlurEffect The BlurEffect class implements the blur effect.
Border The Border class is a base class of border.
BorderEffect The BorderEffect class implements the border highlight effect.
Brush The Brush class is a base class of brush.
BrushEffect The BrushEffect class implements the fill effect.
Color The Color class is used to work with color parameters.
CoordinateTransformer The CoordinateTransformer class is used for linear data transformation.
CultureInfo The CultureInfo class determines language and regional parameters.
DataMapping The DataMapping class contains settings of source data mapping with visualizer elements.
DataSource The DataSource class is a base class to be used to work with visual components data source.
EventArgs The EventArgs class determines object that contains events arguments.
Font The Font class is used to work with font parameters.
GradientBrush Basic brush class with the gradient fill.
GradientStop The GradientStop class describes the color and location of the transition point in the gradient.
HtmlXamlConverter The HtmlXamlConverter class is designed to convert HTML format to XAML and vice versa.
IEffect Basic class for map web application.
ImageBrush The ImageBrush class implements a picture brush.
ImageList The ImageList class implements the ImageList, non-visual component, which contains a link to the sprite (or a set of images in one file) and image size in the sprite.
LinearGradientBrush The LinearGradientBrush class implements the brush with linear gradient fill.
List The List class implements basic properties and methods for working with collections.
NativeDelegate The NativeDelegate class is used to create an event handler.
Object The Object class is the basic class for all classes of the PP namespace. All classes in the PP namespace are the inheritors of the Object class.
Pen The Pen class is used to work with page parameters.
Point The Point class implements the point of two-dimensional space.
Projection The Projection class is used to work with 3D projection.
RadialGradientBrush The RadialGradientBrush class implements the brush of the radial gradient.
Rect The Rect class implements a rectangle of two-dimensional space.
ResourceManager The ResourceManager class is the resources manager.
ScaleBase The ScaleBase class is a base implementation of color and numeric scale.
ScaleEffect The ScaleEffect class implements the zoom in effect.
ScriptManager The ScriptManager static class is used to load script files and CSS style files.
ScrollEventArgs The ScrollEventArgs class is a class of event arguments of slider move on a scrollbar effects.
Shadow The Shadow class implements base class of the shadow.
SolidColorBrush The SolidColorBrush class implements the brush with the solid fill.
SpinEventArgs The SpinEventArgs class implements arguments of the events of the SpinEdit.
Style The Style class implements component style.
Thickness The Thickness class describes objects thickness.
TimeAxis The TimeAxis class implements a time axis of data source component.
TreeModel The TreeModel class implements data model in hierarchical charts.
Visual The Visual class is used for visualizer data mapping with visualizer dimensions.


  Enumeration name Brief description
Alignment The Alignment enumeration contains options for component alignment relative to the center.
BorderStyle The BorderStyle enumeration contains object border rendering styles.
ClassMembers The ClassMembers enumeration contains class members.
ControlState The ControlState enumeration contains variants of visualizer states.
CultureNames The CultureNames enumeration contains abbreviated language names.
DataChangedAction The DataChangedAction enumeration contains variants of actions causing data changes in a source.
DataMappingType The DataMappingType enumeration contains types of data transformations mapped with visualizer elements.
Font.Family The Font.Family enumeration contains the font name.
HorizontalAlignment The HorizontalAlignment enumeration contains options of horizontal alignment.
LTRB The LTRB enumeration contains the variants of object location inside the component.
ModuleVisibilityMode The ModuleVisibilityMode enumeration contains display modes for units in the system.
Orientation The Orientation enumeration contains types of component orientation.
ScaleMode The ScaleMode enumeration contains scale calculation modes.
Sorting The Sorting enumeration contains sorting modes.
VerticalAlignment The VerticalAlignment enumeration contains vertical alignment options.

Static Properties

  Property name Brief description
CSSPath The CSSPath static property determines path to files containing CSS styles.
ImagePath The ImagePath static property sets path to image files.
ScriptPath The ScriptPath static property determines path to script files.

Static Methods

  Method name Brief description
addClass The addClass method adds CSS class to a specified DOM tree element.
ArgumentException The ArgumentException method is the exception thrown when one of the parameters passed to the function is invalid.
ArgumentNullException The ArgumentNullException method is the exception thrown when one of the parameters passed to the function is null.
arrInsertBefore The arrInsertBefore method inserts an element into array before the selected element.
calculateMouseCoords The calculateMouseCoords method calculates current coordinates of the mouse cursor.
calculateMouseX The calculateMouseX method calculates abscissa of the current mouse cursor position.
calculateMouseY The calculateMouseY method calculates ordinate of the current mouse cursor position.
calculateOffset The calculateOffset method calculates coordinates of DOM node in the document.
callEach The callEach method executes specified function for each object in collection.
checkInterface The checkInterface method throws an error if the specified class does not implement selected interfaces.
clearTimeout The clearTimeout method deletes timer by its ID.
compareArr The compareArr method compares two arrays.
create The create method creates a PP object with specified settings.
createElement The createElement method creates a DOM element with specified tag.
Date.add The add method adds a time interval to to date.
Date.clone The clone method creates a date copy.
Date.format The format method returns formatted date.
Date.getDayOfYear The getDayOfYear method returns day number in a year.
Date.getDaysInMonth The getDaysInMonth method returns the number of days in a specified date month.
Date.getFirstDateOfMonth The getFirstDateOfMonth method returns month first day date.
Date.getGMTOffset The getGMTOffset method returns offset from Greenwich meantime.
Date.getLastDateOfMonth The getLastDateOfMonth method returns last month day date.
Date.getWeekOfYear The getWeekOfYear method returns week number of the specified date.
Date.isLeapYear The isLeapYear method returns whether the year is a leap year.
Date.parse The parse method returns date from the specified string by the specified formatting template.
delFrom The delFrom method removes array of specified properties from object.
each The each method iterates through a specified array of items executing the function at each iteration.
ellipseTranslate The ellipseTranslate method calculates coordinates of a point on ellipsis.
endsWith The endsWith method determines whether the string ends with the specified substring.
ensureObject The ensureObject method converts a specified JSON object to object with specified type.
ensureObjectArray The ensureObjectArray method converts a specified array of JSON object to array of objects with specified type.
escapeHTML The escapeHTML method escapes characters of HTML markup in specified string.
Exception The Exception method is the exception thrown if some values are invalid.
extend The extend method extends specified object with members of another object.
fixEvent The fixEvent method ensures cross browser performance for specified event.
fixPosition The fixPosition method changes size and rotation angle for specified rectangle.
g2r The g2r method converts degrees to radians.
getAllInterfaceMembers The getAllInterfaceMembers method returns the array of interface members.
getCaptureNode The getCaptureNode method returns a saved value.
getCurrentCulture The getCurrentCulture method returns the current language and regional settings.
getEnumInterfMembers The getEnumInterfMembers method returns all members of an interface or enumeration.
getFirstMember The getFirstMember method determines name of the first object member.
getFirstValue The getFirstValue method determines value for the first object member.
getItemsByPropValue The getItemsByPropValue method returns an array of all source array elements, which contain the property with the specified name and value.
getAllInterfaceMembers The getAllInterfaceMembers method returns the array of interface members.
getProperty The getProperty method determines value of a nested property of JSON object.
getRandomString The getRandomString method returns string with specified length consisting of arbitrary Latin characters.
getSizeOf The getSizeOf method determines DOM node size.
getStyle The getStyle method determines property value for style of specified DOM element.
hasClass The hasClass method indicates if specified markup element contains specified CSS class.
hide The hide method hides a specified DOM element.
htmlToDOM The htmlToDOM method converts HTML markup to a DOM node.
initClass The initClass method initializes a class.
initEnum The initEnum method initializes enumeration.
initInterface The initInterface method initializes an interface.
initNamespace The initNamespace method initializes a namespace.
initOS The initOS method adds CSS class corresponding to client OS to specified node.
insertToArr The insertToArr method inserts an element into array before a specified element.
InterfaceNotImpException The InterfaceNotImpException method returns a formatted message about the exception InterfaceNotImpException.
insertToArr The intersectArr method determines intersecting elements for two arrays.
isBaseClass The isBaseClass method determines whether the class inherits from at least one of the specified parent classes.
isBaseMemberOf The isBaseMemberOf method returns whether the specified member is determined in one of the specified class's parents.
isBoolean The isBoolean method checks if type of specified value is Boolean.
isDate The isDate method checks if the specified value is a date.
isDefined The isDefined method determines whether specified value is defined.
isDownOn The isDownOn method checks if the mouse cursor was over the element when the event was fired.
isFunction The isFunction method checks if the specified value is a function.
isInterfaceOf The isInterfaceOf method checks if the given class implements specified interfaces.
isMemberOf The isMemberOf method checks if element is a member of the specified enumeration.
isNumber The isNumber method checks if specified value is a number.
isObject The isObject method checks if the specified value is an object.
isPPInstance The isPPInstance method checks if the object is a class instance initialized with the PP.initClass method.
isPrimitive The isPrimitive method checks if the specified element has primitive type.
isResourceGroupLoaded The isResourceGroupLoaded method checks if the object containing regional settings for the specified language is loaded.
isString The isString method checks if the specified value is a string.
IsTrueString The IsTrueString method checks if the specified string contains only Boolean True or the value 1.
isVisible The isVisible method checks if the specified element is visible.
map The map method determines the array, each element of which is a result of executing a specified function for corresponding element in the source array.
normalizeSize The normalizeSize method normalizes the size by specified basis.
NotImplementedException The NotImplementedException method is the exception thrown if the class method is not implemented.
NotSupportedException The NotSupportedException method is the exception thrown if the method is not supported under some conditions.
numberSortAsc The numberSortAsc method represents function for ascending sorting.
OutOfRangeException The OutOfRangeException method is the exception thrown if the specified argument lies outside valid values range.
override The override method overwrites one element with another.
overrideObject The overrideObject method rewrites value of specified property of an object with value of the same property of another object.
polarTranslate The polarTranslate method translates a point in Cartesian coordinate system to polar system with the center in the initial point.
querySelector The querySelector method determines the first DOM node in wrapper of the elements selected by CSS selector.
querySelectorAll The querySelectorAll method returns all DOM nodes selected from the tree by CSS selector.
reallyOut The reallyOut method determines whether the mouse cursor has really quitted the specified element or moved from one child element to another.
reallyOver The reallyOver method determines whether the mouse cursor is really over the specified element or got from one child element to another.
releaseCapture The releaseCapture method removes saved value.
removeChildren The removeChildren method removes all children in a specified DOM tree.
removeClass The removeClass method removes CSS class from a specified element.
removePropertyFromJSON The removePropertyFromJSON method removes specified property from JSON object.
requestAnimationFrame The requestAnimationFrame method performs specified function with minimum delay.
rmvFrmArr The rmvFrmArr method removes an element from array.
rmvFrmArrByIdx The rmvFrmArrByIdx method removes elements from the array in specified range.
setCapture The setCapture method remembers specified value.
setCurrentCulture The setCurrentCulture method sets specified language and regional parameters as the current culture.
setTimeout The setTimeout method asynchronously calls specified function after selected time has elapsed.
setValueToJSON The setValueToJSON method sets property value for object with any nesting level relative to the initial object.
show The show method shows a specified DOM element.
String.ellipsis The ellipsis method clips a string to a certain length.
String.escapeHTML The escapeHTML method escapes characters of HTML markup in specified string.
String.escapeRegExp The escapeRegExp method escapes special characters to use the string in a regular expression.
String.format The format method substitutes values to a string.
String.getRandom The getRandomString method returns string with specified length consisting of arbitrary Latin characters.
String.leftPad The leftPad method adds missing number of characters in the beginning of the string.
String.pattern The pattern method replaces variables in a string with values.
String.repeat The repeat method repeats a string desired number of times and adds a splitter between repeating substrings, if necessary.
String.replaceAll The replaceAll method replaces all specified occurrences in the string with specified substring.
String.trim The trim method trims white spaces in the beginning and end of the string.
String.unescapeHTML The unescapeHTML method unescapes characters of HTML markup in the specified string.
startsWith The startsWith method determines whether string starts with the specified substring.
toArray The toArray method moves an object to array.
trim The trim method removes white space characters from the beginning and end of a string.
unescapeHTML The unescapeHTML method unescapes characters of HTML markup in the specified string.
widthToPixel The widthToPixel method converts length values to pixels.

See also:

Class Library