Working with Common Classes > Static Properties and Methods > PP.insertToArr
insertToArr(arr: Array, item, index: Number);
arr. Initial array of elements.
item. Element to be inserted to the array.
index. Element before which the new element is inserted.
The insertToArr method inserts an element into array before a specified element.
This method returns True if the element is successfully inserted into array, otherwise it returns False.
To execute the example, add a link to PP.js scenario file to HTML page. Determine an array of integers and insert a new value before one of the elements:
// Determine an integer array var numbers = [5, 9, 6, 7, 2]; console.log("Source array: " + numbers); // Insert the 0 value before the 6 element PP.arrInsertBefore(numbers, 0, 6); console.log("Array after the element is inserted into it: " + numbers);
After executing the example the value 0 is inserted into the initial array before the element 6:
Initial array: 5,9,6,7,2
Array after element insertion: 5,9,0,6,7,2
See also: