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Working with Common Classes > Static Properties and Methods > PP.getAllInterfaceMembers



getAllInterfaceMembers(intfs: Array);


intfs. Array of interfaces, members of which will be returned.


The getAllInterfaceMembers method returns the array of interface members.


This method returns an array of JSON objects with the following properties: Name - name of interface member, Type - member type, defined using the PP.ClassMembers interface.

The returned method value also includes members of base interfaces.


To execute the example, add a link to PP.js scenario file to HTML page. Determine properties, methods and events for the PP.ISourceView interface:

// Declare array of properties, methods and events
var properties = [],
    methods = [],
    events = [];
// Get all members of the PP.ISourceView interface
var members = PP.getAllInterfaceMembers([PP.ISourceView]);
for (i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
    // Perform access by all members of the interface
    var member = members[i].Name;
    switch (members[i].Type) {
        case PP.ClassMembers.Property:
            /* If the current interface member is a property,
               add it to the array of properties */
        case PP.ClassMembers.Method:
            /* if the current interface member is a method, 
               add it ot the array of methods */
        case PP.ClassMembers.Event:
            /* If the current interface member is an event,
               add it to the array of events */
// Output names of interface properties, methods and events
console.log("Properties: " + properties.toString());
console.log("Methods: " + methods.toString());
console.log("Events: " + events.toString());

After executing the example browser console displays properties, methods and events declared in the PP.ISourceView interface:

Properties: Source
Methods: refreshAll,refresh
Events: PropertyChanged,RequestMetadata

See also: