Working with Common Classes > Static Properties and Methods > PP.fixPosition
fixPosition(box: Object, angle: Number, width: Number, height: Number);
box. Rectangle defined with a JSON object that has the following properties: x and y - coordinates of the top left corner of the initial rectangle, width and height - its width and height.
angle. Rectangle rotation angle.
width. New width of the rectangle.
height. New height of the rectangle.
The fixPosition method changes size and rotation angle for specified rectangle.
This method returns a JSON object with the following properties: x - rectangle width, y - rectangle height.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain links to the PP.js and PP.GraphicsBase.js scenario files. Create a rectangle, then change its size and rotation angle:
// Determine rectangle area var box = { x: 20, // Horizontal coordinate of the top left corner y: 30, // Vertical coordinate of the top left corner width: 150, // Width height: 100 // Height }; // Change settings of this rectangle area var result = PP.fixPosition(box, 45, 75, 50); console.log("Initial coordinates of the top left corner: (" + box.x + ", " + box.y + ")"); console.log("New coordinates of the top left corner: (" + result.x + ", " + result.y + ")");
After executing the example the browser console displays coordinates of the top left corner for the initial and changed rectangles:
Initial coordinates of the top left corner: (20, 30)
New coordinates of the top left corner: (-75, -50)
See also: