Setting Up Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Lists are text fragments, parts of which are marked with special characters. Lists can be bulleted, numbered and multilevel.

Lists can be created anew or based on the current text.

Create a List Anew

  1. Put the cursor to a text sheet.

  2. Go to the Text Sheet.Format ribbon tab.

  3. Click the button:

  4. Select the required list type in the drop-down menu of the button and start entering text.

  5. Press the ENTER key each time to create a new list element.

The list is added to the position of the cursor.

Creating a List Based on the Current Text

  1. Select the text that must be transformed into a list.

  2. Execute steps 2-5 of the section about creating a list anew.

The selected text is transformed into a list of the required type.

Setting Up List

To set up a list, use the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

To open the dialog box

Set list options:

List type


Bullet character

Number format

See also:

Setting Up Report Formatting | Using Text Sheet | Adding a Text Sheet and Working with It | Inserting Tables, Charts and Maps from Table Sheet | Add a text field