In this article:

Adding a Picture

Adding an Image on Copying from External Sources

Deleting Picture

Basic Operations Available for Pictures


The Reports tool supports inserting of pictures of the following formats:

Adding a Picture

To add a picture on a regular report sheet, select cell range, into which the picture should be added and:

After this a standard file selection dialog box opens. Specify name and type of the file to load. Click the Open button to add the selected picture to the report sheet.

If a single cell was selected, the picture will be inserted with saved size, the top left corner of the image will match with the top left corner of the selected cell. If a cell range was selected, the picture will be fitted to the selected range.

Adding an Image on Copying from External Sources

The Reports tool supports paste of objects copied from external sources:

All objects are pasted as PNG.

Add an object from external source

Deleting Picture

To delete the picture, select it and:

Basic Operations Available for Pictures

Select multiple objects

Set up object properties

See also:

Inserting Objects