To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Up Filtering

Parameters for filtering rows and columns of the data area are the same, but are determined on separate tabs.

NOTE. Empty elements are filtered before calculation, but positions are reserved for the elements not linked to the dimension.

To set up filtering parameters, go to the Filtering > Rows/Columns tab of the Data Area Properties dialog box. The dialog box looks as follows:

Use this tab to determine data filtering parameters:

Hide empty values

Hide zero values

Hide non-numeric values

Hide values on condition

Determine elements excluded from filtering conditions

NOTE. If the Display Owners Of Non-Excluded Rows (or Columns) and the Use Stairs Hierarchy checkboxes are selected on the Layout tab, on applying any filter only those child elements that have some data are shown for the owners of non-excluded rows.

A dimension-determined filtering can be set up when setting up data area filtering.

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | Data Area Properties