Data Filtering

When working with a table data set one can use filtering to exclude the rows and columns from the data set, which satisfy the specific condition.

To activate or deactivate table data filtering:

After executing one of the operations, data filtering is activated or deactivated.

Determining Table Data Filtering Condition

To determine a table data filtering condition:

After executing one of the operations, the expression editor opens to create a filtering condition. After the filtering condition is created or edited, filtering is automatically activated.

Determining Field Data Filtering Condition

NOTE. It is available only in the web application.

To determine a field data filtering condition, select the Filter on Condition item in the drop-down menu of the Setup button in the header of the field, for which filter is set up. The Filter on Condition dialog box opens:

Set the parameters:

After creating or editing a condition click the Apply button to enable filtering.

To disable filtering, select the Clear Filter item in the drop-down menu of the Setup button in the field header.

Example of Data Filtering

To use filtering:

  1. Open a data table.

The example of the source table:

  1. Open the expression editor by clicking the Filtering button on the toolbar:

  1. Select the element, by which filtering will be executed. To do this, execute one of the operations:

    • Double-click the required element on the Metadata panel.

    • Select the required element on the Metadata panel and click the Insert into Formula button.

    • Drag the required element from the Metadata panel to the formula area.

The element will be added to the formula where it can be included in the required expression.

  1. Create the required expression used for filtering in the expression editor.

The {FO_ID}=10002 expression is created in the specified example. Therefore, the records, which value of the FD Owner Code field is equal to 10002, are selected.

  1. Apply filtering by clicking the Save button.

After executing the operations, the table displays only the rows satisfying the specified condition:

To undo filtering, click the Filtering button on the toolbar. The table returns to its original state.

To use filtering:

  1. Open a data table.

The example of the source data table:

  1. Open the expression editor by selecting the Edit item in the drop-down menu of the Filtering button on the toolbar.

  1. Select the element by which the filtering will be executed.

To do this, double-click the required element in the Data list. The element is added to the formula where it can be copied and a required expression can be generated.

  1. Create the required expression in the editor.

In the Formula box create an expression by which the filtering will be executed.

The (Code>10) And (Code<50) expression is created in the specified example.

  1. Apply filter by clicking the OK button.

The table contains only strings matching the defined criterion:

  1. To undo filtering, click the Filtering button.

The table returns to its original state.

See also:

Working with Tables