View Properties

The Properties page is used to determine the database, to which a view, view's physical name and view query's text are added.

Determine the following parameters on this page:

NOTE. A view, which is saved incorrectly, cannot be created.

  • Query to Database. Create a query to database in the SQL language according to the syntax that is set for the selected DBMS driver.

The selected DBMS driver and the driver list are displayed next to the Query to Database field. By default, the driver list displays the selected driver used during repository connection setup. If query is specified for one or several drivers, the selected driver(s) will be marked in the driver list.

To show or hide the driver list, use the Hide Driver List/Show Driver List button.

Click the Check Query button to check if the created query is correct.

To set the specified query to database for all DBMS, click the Apply for All DBMS button. The confirmation dialog box opens. If query is specified for at least one driver that is different from the current one, all the specified queries will be replaced with the current one if the answer is positive.

Determine the following parameters on this page:

NOTE. A view, which is saved incorrectly, cannot be created.

See also:
