In the web application click the Create button in the main menu and select the object type on the New Object side panel.
In the desktop application execute one of the operations:
Click the New Object > Other > Styles Table button in the Create group on the Home ribbon tab.
Select the Create > Other > Styles Table item in the object navigator's context menu.
One can also create a new styles table in the main window of the desktop application. To do this, select the New Styles Tables item in the main menu of the opened styles table.
To open a ready styles table for edit in the object navigator select the styles table and execute one of the operations:
In the web application:
Select the Edit item in the styles table's context menu.
Select the Edit in a New Tab item in the styles table's context menu.
Select the Edit in a New Window item in the styles table's context menu.
Double-click the styles table.
Press F4.
In the desktop application:
Click the Edit button in the Open group on the Home ribbon tab.
Select the Edit item in the styles table's context menu
Double-click the styles table.
Press F4.
One can also open styles table in the main window of the desktop application. To do this, select the Open item in the main menu of the opened styles table.