

Ols(Input: ITimeSeries,
    Period: IMsPeriod,
    ConstantValue: Variant,
    AROrder: String,
    MAOrder: String,
    Casewise: MsCasewise,
    Explanatories: Array)


Input. Output variable.

Period. Period, at which the method is calculated.

ConstantValue. Constant used in calculations.

AROrder. Autoregression order.

MAOrder. Moving average order.

Casewise. Missing data treatment method.

Explanatories. Explanatory variables.


It models the variable using the linear regression (OLS estimation).


Use the Ols function only in series calculation mode.

Features of setting parameters:


Formula Result Application
= Ols({Brazil|BCA[t]},SetPeriod("01.01.2002", "01.01.2015"), None,"","", MsCasewise.Yes,{China|BCA})

The Brazil|BCA series will be modeled by the linear regression method (OLS estimation) for the period from 2002 to 2016 by the following parameters: constant is not used, autoregression and moving average orders are not set, explanatory variable is the China|BCA exponent, calculation is executed using missing data treatment.

It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and in formulas of attribute-based models of modeling container.
= Ols(X1, Null, Estimate, "1", "2;backcast.No", MsCasewise.Yes, X2, X3)

The X1 factor will be modeled using linear regression method (OLS estimation) by the following parameters: constant is estimated by the Estimate function, autoregression order is 1, moving average order is 2, to estimate moving average coefficients, backcasting is not used, explanatory variables - the X2 and X3 factors, calculation is executed using the Casewise missing data treatment method.

It can be used in model variable-based formulas of modeling container.

See also:

Functions Available in Expression Editor │ RegressionIModelling.Ols │  Least-Squares Method