Number Format

The Number Format group looks as follows:

The tab contains the list of predefined formats for displaying sheet cells contents. Select required data format and set its parameters. Tab appearance and settings depend on the tool in use.

Setting Up Data Format Parameters

The set of adjustable parameters depends on the selected data format:











Setting Up Cell Editor

The current settings of the cell editor are displayed and determined in the Cell Editor box. This box is used to determine the type of cell editor to conveniently type in or select required values. Display parameters are determined as a special string containing editor type, default value, and so on. The string can be edited directly in the edit box or using the Value Editor Parameters dialog box. Click the Set Up button to open a dialog box. By default, display parameter is selected in accordance with the selected parameter type. To show always active cell editor, deselect the Show Editor Only On Activated Cell checkbox.

The cell value, for which the editor is set, should be checked to correspondence to editor data type before installation. The value, which does not correspond to editor data type, is not installed.

If the Dictionary Box Editor editor type is set in the cell, and the SingleSelect or SingleSelectNullable selection type is selected for it, and the Custom Name of All Levels and Displayed Attribute parameters are not set, then when setting a cell value its presence is checked in the dictionary. If the value is present in the dictionary, the cell value is set successfully. In this case the corresponding element is selected in the dictionary box editor. If other selection types are selected, and/or one or both of the specified parameters are set, the cell value is set even when it is absent in the dictionary. In this case no dictionary editor box elements are selected.

String syntax:



NOTE. For each control, a set of pairs "parameter-value" can be determined, which should be separated with a space. For details on control types and their parameters see the method description: IBindingManager.CreateByUi.

See also:

Working with Formatting Dialog Box