

CreateByUi(UI: String): IBindingValue;


UI. Value editor type.


The CreateByUi method initializes value editor settings by editor type.


Various elements of controls can be used as value editors. To get settings of the editor, select one of the following values for the UI parameter:

Control element name Brief description
BooleanCombo Settings for combobox to select logical value.
CheckBox Settings for (checkbox) radio button.
ComboBox Settings for combobox.
DatePicker Settings for date editor.
DateTimePicker Settings for time/date editor.
DecimalEdit Settings for high-precision real values editor.
TimePicker Settings for time editor.
DimCombo Settings for dictionary drop-down list.
EditBox Settings for text editor.
FloatEdit Settings for real values editor.
IdentEdit Settings for identifier editor.
IntegerEdit Settings for integer values editor.
MaskEdit Settings for masked string editor.
TreeCombo Settings for combo tree.

For further work with the editor settings, cast method execution result to the interface corresponding to the selected editor type.


Display parameters for various controls and examples and features of their use can be seen on selecting a link for the control in the table above.

See also:
