Viewing Version History

Object version history enables the user to get information on the user(s) who changed the object over a specified period of time.

NOTE. Object version history is available only in the desktop application.

To view version history of the selected object, select the Version Log context menu. The dialog box with two tabs opens: Version Log and Archive Copies.

Version Log

The tab shows an extract from access protocol: successful and unsuccessful object changes. By default, records over the last day are loaded. When data loading takes much time, a progress bar is displayed at the bottom of the window.

The data is displayed as a table, for which appearance and size of columns, data sorting and filters can be set up.

To select time period, for which records should be loaded, use the Show Records drop-down list:

To copy displayed information to clipboard:

Archive Copies

If version log is enabled for an object, the object is assigned a new version after each change. For details about object history logging see the Object Classes section.

The tab shows the following parameters:

See also:

Setting Up Permissions