Managing Global Variables

Global variables can be used in various tools of Foresight Analytics Platform: creation of report headers and footers, setting parameter values or generation of expressions. Global variable values can be set from the object navigator or using the Fore language (for details see description of the ISharedParams interface). Global variable values are the same for all repository users.

NOTE. On using a mandatory access control mechanism in repository, only administrator and users included in the administration group will be able to create and modify global variables.

To work with global variables, use the Global Variables page/tab in the Parameters dialog box.

To open the dialog box

The Global Variables tab contains a table with a list of global variables and its parameters.

By default, the list always contains system global variables that cannot be removed or edited:

Operations with Global Variables

Add a global variable

Edit global variable

Delete global variable

Additional Global Variables

Along with system global variables there is a set of additional global variables, which creation can modify in some way mechanism of Foresight Analytics Platform work. The following table provides a list of these variables and their description:

Identifier Value type Description
AUTORUN_OBJECT_AS_MAIN Any This global variable can be used, if autorun object interface. On entering to the repository, the autorun object window is the main one. The other windows can also open from application code (application forms or system windows, for example, object navigator), but on closing the autorun object window, other windows also close.
If application logic requires closing only autorun object window, create the AUTORUN_OBJECT_AS_MAIN global variable and set it to 0.

This global variable is used for the Microsoft SQL Server driver type with OLE DB use. The variable is used to store specified additional connection parameters and automatically added to the connection string:

When connecting to database and adding repository connection the variable is set manually.

NEW_D_CUBE Integer This global variable is used to determine a filtering type for data entry forms.
To use new filtering type when editing a table area, set the 1 value.
To enable new filtering type for all table areas when opening a data entry form for edit, set the 2 value.
To use old filtering type, set any other value. The old filtering type is also used when there is no value set.

See also:

Setting Up Regular Report Headers and Footers | Setting Up Regular Report Title | Setting Up Express Report Headers and Footers | Setting Up Express Report Title