
Assembly: Fore;


The ISharedParams interface is used to work with global variables.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To read the current value of global variable, use the IMetabaseCache.SharedValue property.


  Property name Brief description
The DefaultBehaviour property returns the object to work with default settings property.
The EtlTemplates property returns collection of custom templates of sources or consumers.
The EventHandlers property returns object to work with event handlers  of reports.
The IsShared property determines a characteristic of the global object.
The Methods property returns the custom methods collection.
The NameResource property determines the string resource values of which are used for the global variables names.
The Params property determines parameters of the global variables collection.
The ParamValues property enables user to set the current parameters of the global variables.
The Resource property determines ,  from which text values are taken depending on the used repository language.
The SearchEngine property determines parameters of the repository search platform.


  Method name Brief description
The ApplyParamValues method uses parameters of the global variables assigned with the help of the ParamValues property.

See also:

Fore Assembly Interfaces