The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Features of Displaying Data on Graph

If a model is calculated by the number of scenarios, a graph displays values for each calendar scenario. Scenario name is shown in round brackets next to the series name in the legend. For example:

The period of displaying data on the equation line depends on the graph contents and data filtering.

Filter status Graph contents Displayed data
Filter is not determined The graph contains all series: forecasting series, sample series, factors. Data for the entire period.
The graph contains only sample series. Data for the entire sample period.
The graph contains only forecasting series. Data for the entire forecasting period.
Filter is set The graph contains all series: forecasting series, sample series, factors. If the following series are selected in the legend:
  • Sample series only. Data for sample period is displayed taking into account filtering.

  • Forecasting series only. Data for sample period is displayed taking into account filtering.

  • Forecasting and sample series. Data on the entire period is displayed taking into account filtering.

The graph contains only sample series. Data on the entire sample series is displayed taking into account filtering.
The graph contains only forecasting series. Data on the entire forecasting period taking into account filtering.

See also:
