The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Calculation Chain

A calculation chain is used to arrange model calculation order:

The panel shows a list of chain elements arranged in the calculation order. A certain icon corresponds to each element. A chain may contain:

NOTE. The interface can be used only to rename and delete conditions. Conditions can be created and edited by means of the Fore language.

NOTE. Cycles can be created only by means of the Fore language.

Operations with Calculation Chain

Add a folder

Add a model or metamodel

Add an internal model

Add a multidimensional cycle

Edit chain element

Remove selected chain elements

Reorder elements

Rename chain element

Automatic Chain Creation

Automatic chain creation enables the user to find dependencies between models and to create a calculation chain in accordance with these dependencies. Autocreation ignores metamodels included into the calculation chain.

Principles of automatic chain creation:

The Automatic Metamodel Creation group is used to edit autocreation parameters:

NOTE. Dividing multidimensional model with cycles is available if modeling and forecasting is running in the mode on variables.

Click the Build Automatically button to automatically create a calculation chain based on defined parameters.

NOTE. If the Build Automatically item is selected from the context menu of a folder, the chain is automatically created only from the elements of this folder.

See also:
