The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.


Model calculation parameters are selected on this panel. The panel appearance may vary depending on the calculation method, but there are a number of common parameters. Selecting the checkbox means that the parameter should be used on model calculation. All checkboxes are deselected by default:

The following parameters do not require checkboxes to be selected or deselected:

      • Lambda EMWA. Specify the value of Lambda EMWA in the value editor. The default value is 0.90.

      • Use Cholesky Factorization. Select or deselect the checkbox to determine whether Cholesky factorization should be used in calculations. The checkbox is deselected by default.

      • Distribution of Financial Instruments. Each of the financial instruments selected on the Specification panel must be mapped with the distribution type selected in the drop-down list. Double-click the selected cell to show this list.

See also:

Value-At-Risk Model