The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Aggregation (Extended)

The Specification panel for this model type looks as follows:

To set aggregation expression

To set aggregation calculation method and its parameters

To set parameters of moving data from one calendar frequency to another

To set aggregation relevance parameters

To set parameters of total data period use

To set aggregation calculation parameters considering data hierarchy

If any parameters are incorrectly set, the model cannot be calculated. The Errors panel with an error message is displayed.

If any expression displayed on this panel contains any errors (invalid operators, non-existing attribute value, and so on), an attempt to save the model brings up an appropriate error message showing the number of the position containing this error. After the message closes the cursor is moved to the specified position of expression.

See also:

SpecificationAggregation Calculation Methods | Time Series Analysis: Aggregation (Extended)