Tool interfaces in the web application and in the desktop application are identical, and differences in functionality are given in appropiate commments.

Managing Data Source Parameters

Parameters enable the user to dynamically change express report contents.

To manage parameters of express report data sources, use the Data Sources Parameters side panel tab.

To display the tab

The tab may contain the following settings depending on the data source:

Display versions


Available operations with a data source in the web application:




To update express report data according to the set values, click the Apply Parameters button.

Separating Data Source Parameters

NOTE. It is available only in the web application.

To separate parameters of several data sources or to use a single data source with different parameter sets, use the Separate Parameters checkbox. The checkbox is enabled and selected by default:

The appearance of the Data Source Parameters tab when data source parameters are separated:

To change express report data, set parameter values of corresponding data sources.

If the Separate Parameters checkbox is deselected, parameters of different data sources are combined into one list without separation.

See also:

Selecting Data Source