To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Autofilling Fields

Auto fill option is used to automatically create input field value if this field is not linked to an output field. To set up auto fill parameters, double-click the input field with the main mouse button. If the input field is linked to an output field, this link must be deleted.

Auto fill parameters vary depending on the type of data in the input field.

If required, edit field name and identifier. The identifier must contain only Latin characters, numbers, the _ character, it must not contain spaces and must not begin with the number.

Select the way of creating the field value in the Auto Fill Method drop-down list:

NOTE. The use of sequence is available in repositories based on the following DBMS: Oracle 9.x or later, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later, PostgreSQL.

See also:

Getting Started with the ETL Task Tool in the Web Application | Links between Objects