The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Creating and Setting Up Calculated Series

A calculated series is a series calculated using one of the methods based on time series data.

Order of calculated series creation:

  1. Select a time series in the data table.

  2. Select the calculation method. Use commands on the Calculations ribbon tab.

  3. Specify the calculation method parameters of the calculated series.

Features of creating calculated series taking into account calendar frequency

The calculation series with the calculation results is added to the workbook sheet. Calculations will be made using scaled values, that is values with the same measurement unit scale.

Depending on the transformation method, a calculated series can contain different sets of child series: facts, a modeling series with forecast values, remainders, confidence limits, and so on. For example:

Operations with Calculated Series

View error messages

View summary statistics

Lock calculated series

Operations available only in the desktop application:

Transform time series into calculated series

Save calculated series in time series database

Save calculated series as a model

Set up parameters of several calculated series

See also:

Setting Up Calculation Method Parameters | Working with Time Series