Setting Up Scale for Hierarchical X Axis

A point hierarchy is used for smart compression of data labels by levels.

NOTE. Scale type of the hierarchical X axis can be set up only in express reports in the desktop application, if the calendar type of the points is Date (calendar dimension must be plotted on the X axis).

To make the axis hierarchical, change the type of creating chart points hierarchy, using the Fore language. If a hierarchical dimension is used as values of X axis, scale type can be set up on the Scale tab of the Axis Format dialog box.

TIP. To quickly set up chart axes parameters, use the Value Axis X tab of the side panel.

To open the Axis Format dialog box

To select the scale plotting type, use the Scale Type parameters group.

Scale plotting type

NOTE. Other parameters correspond to the parameters on the Scale tab for non-hierarchical X axis.

See also:

Chart Axes | Setting Up X Axis Scale | Setting Up Report Scale | Setting Up General Chart Parameters | Setting Up Chart Components