Creating a Web Form and Components Layout

A web form is a main tool for creating a visual interface of web applications. The interface is created by placing various components on a web form. Each web form has a corresponding unit, which contains form class description. Web forms are based on the React framework written in the JavaScript language, but web form code is written in the Fore language. In Fore, web forms are described by the IWebForm interface.

Web forms by default open modally relative to the place where they are opened. The maximum number of modal web forms opened relative to each other is five. To change web form work mode, use the "modal" property that is available in the design mode.

NOTE. Working with web forms is available only in the web application. When working with web forms take into account existing work features.

Create a web form

To toggle between the web form and the macro window, press F7/SHIFT+F7 or click the / buttons in the right part of the development environment window.

To display the components panel, click the button in the left part of the development environment window. To place a component on a web form, click the component on the components panel, then click on the form where it should be added. The Properties/Events panel is used to set component properties and event handlers. The list of available properties includes only the properties that can be changed in the web form design mode. The component code contains only the properties that can be changed on web form execution.

The web form has different properties available in the design mode and in the web form execution mode.

To visually format a web form, use components.

See also:

Developing User Application | Web Form Work Features | Web Form Components