Web Form Work Features

The technologies in use and existing restrictions cause some features that should be taken into account when working with web forms. See below the list of features.

Web Forms and BI Servers Cluster

If infrastructure containing a BI servers clusterfor a developed web application, to ensure correct work of web forms in multi-user mode one will need an additional setup of the HAProxy balancer.

Use of Web Forms in Regular Reports

If a web form opens on custom button click, an active regular report is registered in the system within the custom session. The active report is returned by the PrxReport.ActiveReport static property that is available in the Fore language. If several web forms are used that were opened from different reports, the active report within the session will be considered the one, from which the web form was last called and until its closing.

If there are several simultaneously opened regular reports and web forms, the PrxReport.ActiveReport property can work incorrectly because it returns last report, from which the web form was opened. One can change the active report using the SetActiveReport operation.

To work with a report from web form, one should save the active report to the global variable declared at the web form class level. The active report should be written to the variable in the onShow event:

Class TESTWebForm: WebForm
    activeRep: IPrxReport;
    activeSheet: IPrxSheet;

    Sub TESTWebFormOnShow;
        activeRep := PrxReport.ActiveReport;
        activeSheet := activeRep.ActiveSheet;
        // Further work with report
    End Sub TESTWebFormOnShow;
End Class TESTWebForm;

See also:

Creating Web Form and Components Layout