<block> Element

The <block> element corresponds to a dashboard structural unit that is a block.

A dashboard is a set of bocks. Both visual and non-visual dashboard components can be blocks.

The low-level components can be combined into blocks to make it more convenient to control them as a single entity. This is possible due to the similarity in their functions, and so on.


<block> may contain a collection of nested <prop> elements that determine block properties.

<block name="" type="" key="">

Element Attributes

Attribute Description
name Block name.
key Block identifier.
type Block type. Available values:
  • Dashboard. Dashboard.

  • Grid. The Grid container element.

  • Panel. The Panel container element.

  • TabPanel. The Tabs container element.

  • Table. The Table visualizer.

  • Chart. The Chart visualizer.

  • Map. The Map visualizer.

  • Indicator. The Indicator visualizer.

  • Bubbles. The Bubble Chart visualizer.

  • Report. The Regular Report block.

  • ExpressReport. The Express Report block.

  • TimeSeries. The Time Series block.

  • Control. The Control block.

  • Label. The Label block.

  • Image. The Image block.

  • Frame. The HTML block.

See also:

Dashboard Constructive Elements