
The Dashboard block is a mandatory basic block that is used to show information.

Property Data type Description
name String Block name.


Common structural property Block fill.
layouts A collection of <area> elements A collection of panels that house child blocks.
defaultBlockStyle Structural property Default settings of child blocks.


Structural property  


Common structural property Block fill.


Common structural property Block formatting.


Common structural property Block title.

NOTE. The text attribute is unavailable.


0|1 It determines whether the block can be expanded to fit the screen.


Common structural property Block position in the container.

NOTE. When describing child block settings, it is possible to determine not all the attributes of the respective structural property, but some of its elements.

A block is a dashboard if the <block> element that describes this block has the Dashboard type.

XML description of the block is given in the Dashboard example.

See also:

Properties of Typical Dashboard Blocks | Examples