Licensing Service and Features of Its Use

The licensing service is used in Linux OS to speed up work with the license server due to parallel license requests from BI server to the license server.

The licensing service is the licman utility with built-in support of parallel requests for the Sentinel RMS License Manager service, on which the license server is based.

NOTE. To get the licensing service, contact technical support by sending a request to or technical support services, which are available after registration at the website.

To use the licensing service:

  1. Open the settings.json file delivered with the licensing service. The file contains the following structure by default:


    "server": "localhost",

    "port": 8210,

    "debug": false,

    "balance": true,

    "workersCount": 10,

    "clientTimeout": 600


  1. Set license server connection parameters:

Keep the rest of the parameters unchanged.

  1. Start the licman utility.

  2. Create a section with the License key containing the Service section with licensing service connection parameters in the settings.xml file with the following parameters:

The section example with the License key:


  <Key Name="License">

    <Key Name="Service" Active="True" Host="localhost" Port="8210"/>


  1. Restart the BI server.

  2. Set up automatic licensing service startup on computer startup. To do this, add the licman start command to Linux autorun scripts.

After executing the operations the work with license server is executed via the licensing service.

See also:

Foresight Analytics Platform Activation | License Server and Features of Its Use