Creating a Metadata Repository in Linux OS

To create a metadata repository in Linux OS, start the RepoManager utility located in the folder with installed BI server: /opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin.

To start the application, use the script with the following parameters:

./ --operation=Value [options]

./ -oValue [options]


As a value of the --operation/-o parameter, specify the create-repo value. Then specify the type of the DBMS, to which connection is to be established and in which a repository is to be created. The parameter has the full name --dbms-type or short name -t, and it takes the following values:

The further parameters depend on the selected DBMS type.

Oracle parameters:


./ -ocreate-repo -toracle -sserver -mRepository -uUser -wPassword -f/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4

./ --operation=create-repo --type=oracle --server=Server --schema=Repository --user=User --password=Password --archive-file=/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4

PostgreSQL parameters:


./ -ocreate-repo -tpostgres -s10.10.10.10 -dRepository -uUser -wPassword -f/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4 -i

./ --operation=create-repo --type=postgres --server= --database=Repository --user=User --password=Password --archive-file=/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4 --case-sensitive

There is also an alternative method for creating a repository on PostgreSQL server.

NOTE. It is recommended to use the RepoManager utility to create a repository in PostgreSQL DBMS.

SQLite parameters:


./ -ocreate-repo -tsqlite -d/home/files/test.sqlite -f/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4

./ --operation=create-repo --type=sqlite --database=/home/files/test.sqlite --archive-file=/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4

Microsoft SQL Server parameters:

The example:

./ -ocreate-repo -tmssql -sMSServer -dRepository -uUser -wPassword -f/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4

./ --operation=create-repo --type=mssql --server=MSServer --database=Repository --user=User --password=Password --archive-file=/opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/rm/current.rm4

See also:

Creating and Managing Metadata Repositories | Repository Manager