Example of Data Import to Wazuh

To install and set up Wazuh, and to connect data import from file via rsyslog/Logstash, see the manufacturer documentation.

To parse an event from CEF file, create a decoder. Each event requires an individual decoder.

The example of decoder for parsing the FAP_EV_LOGONS event that is system logon:




Log Sample:

CEF:0|Foresight|Foresight Analytical Platform|9.8.10053|FAP_EV_LOGONS|AuditLog|Unknown|act=System logon cs1Label=MetabaseId cs1=MB_DEF rt=Aug 11 2022 11:25:01 outcome=Success shost=WKSTATION suser=name.surname cs2Label=PlatformUser cs2=ADMIN cs3Label=IPAddresses cs3=;;;;; msg=Platform version: 9.8.10053.0 D Master x64 Desktop application



<decoder name= "fap-cef-logon">

  <prematch>CEF:0\|Foresight\|Foresight Analytical Platform\|\d+.\d+.\d+\|FAP_EV_LOGONS\|AuditLog\|Unknown\|</prematch>



<decoder name="fap-cef-logon-fields">


  <regex>act=(\.+) cs1Label=(\.+) cs1=(\.+) rt=(\.+) outcome=(\.+) shost=(\.+) suser=(\.+) cs2Label=(\.+) cs2=(\.+) cs3Label=(\.+) cs3=(\.+) msg=(\.*)</regex>

  <order>audit.act, audit.cs1Label, audit.cs1, audit.rt, audit.outcome, audit.shost, audit.suser, audit.cs2Label, audit.cs2, audit.cs3Label, audit.cs3, audit.msg</order>


To parse other events, create decoders similarly to that in the example.

See also:

Support of Work with Security Information and Event Management Systems